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Covid and the Economy

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1 hour ago, jlz said:

You don't have to insult, we all can have a reasonable discussion. It might be a challenge for you, but the rest of readers will appreciate it.

I would certainly appreciate it.

All we need to see if some leaked documents, key witness statements etc. It can't be that difficult with so many co-consipirators across every country, every government, the medical profession, academics, the media etc.

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4 hours ago, Provaton said:

I would certainly appreciate it.

All we need to see if some leaked documents, key witness statements etc. It can't be that difficult with so many co-consipirators across every country, every government, the medical profession, academics, the media etc.

FFS people

Read what I posted.

It's not a **** conspiracy.  It's literally printed by Gov,  Banks and Healthcare.

DNA Chip

Did you even bother yourselves to Google it?

**** Off you trolls!

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The whole fecking internet at your fingertips and you want me to do a Google search for you you lazy bastards.

Hey, @jlz

I posted before you,  **** brain.  Did you look into DNA chips, Bio Tracking?

You feckers don't want to know anything.  You're the type to simply disappear and when it arrives and say you knew it all along.  Fakers.

Hey, I'm happy to start the conversation again.  Wind your **** neck in, go read back what's been posted and, I know you struggle, but I'll help you out in showing you where you've been a total dismissive Left Wing blinkered **** jockey!

Then your awakening can begin.

6 hours ago, jlz said:

Casey no te aventures a criticar lo que no sabes, porque puede que te pase lo que os pasa a muchos de vosotros, que de repente no encontráis a alguien que os puede dejar en evidencia. Tranquilo, que los que leen el foro saben que tienes tendencia a confabular y crear opiniones basadas en fuentes de extrema derecha.

Casey do not venture to criticize what you do not know, because what happens to many of you may happen to you, who suddenly do not find someone who can leave you in evidence. Don't worry, those who read the forum know that you have a tendency to conspire and create opinions based on far-right sources.

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6 hours ago, Provaton said:

I would certainly appreciate it.

All we need to see if some leaked documents, key witness statements etc. It can't be that difficult with so many co-consipirators across every country, every government, the medical profession, academics, the media etc.

What it is interesting is that regardless the country they are from, they point to the very same topic: global government control.

That topic is well studied in psychology. I posted a few links before, hoping that they would read it, but it made the opposite effect.

They attacked me calling me "sheep" , "naive" , "played" like if they had some kind of universal knowledge that a new order is coming to rule us all. 

I happen to read comments everyday in 3 languages and regardless where they are coming from they point to the same topics when it comes to this new order that will submit us into darkness. 

The funniest are the Chinese, they are truly inventive with their conspiracy theories. 

Tolkien wrote about it long time ago, then every single cheesy movie from the 80's did.

We all need a bad guy to beat while we play rock songs. The white paladin is deep inside our culture and now Twitter is amplifying it.


Just as a very silly question, looking to what can happen in many countries everyday, there are riots all over the world, what would happen if we are all microchipped with these vaccines , will we become sheep or would we burn everything in flames? I think it would be more the later, and that certainly would be very costly to that new ruling order. 

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4 hours ago, nit2wynit said:

Casey do not venture to criticize what you do not know, because what happens to many of you may happen to you, who suddenly do not find someone who can leave you in evidence. Don't worry, those who read the forum know that you have a tendency to conspire and create opinions based on far-right sources.

For a moment I thought, what happened to this guy's English?

And then I realised that you would have tried to translate the text with a translator. That is the text that comes out of Google Translate.

Well we can tell something else , they still need to improve their engine to make the language more natural, when they try to translate a native text the translation in English gets a bit weird. Either way the point was to prove again that Mr Casey is quick to judge and make comments on things he doesn't know .i.e my nationality.

What could come next? That Davos is behind a Great Reset plan to submit us all into darkness? I wouldn't be surprised.

I will be watching patiently, the comedy has been gold so far.

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The Spanish study is interesting and comprehensive but we already know the story, other research papers have also shown 84% false positives from the PCR.

The Spanish study showed 85% of those in hospital with the 5 main symptoms of covid and with a positive PCR did not actually have covid at all when tested with the antigen test, and same for 90% with lesser symptoms.

So all these patients actually had flu or pneumonia or a similar acute respiratory disease but the covid diagnosis was facilitated by the misuse of the PCR test.

It gets worse.



I posted this chart recently which shows at A the non-covid deaths spike in April caused by the govt restricting access to the health service.

Since then there has been less non-covid deaths than normal but around week 40 there were less and less deaths by cancer, heart disease etc as there was mirrored an increase in covid deaths.

The explanation is obvious, not only are acute respiratory diseases being misdiagnosed as covid but so too now is cancer and heart disease etc, all made possible by the deliberate misuse of the PCR. Covid numbers are being systematically hiked for a reason

But it gets worse.

All this while there has been no clear, recommended treatment plan for covid patients, the medical establishment seems to be in a 'wait and see' mode. While we wait people have been dying.

But there are many papers that show that Vit D & HCQ or Ivermectin and early intervention show very good results, the medical establishment has ignored it all, it is waiting, and you know what for.

The covid numbers have been pushed through the roof by the deliberate misuse of the PCR and nothing else can be used to treat it, we must wait for a vaccine.

If you are under 70 years the death rate for covid is so small you could never tell if the vaccine was affective or not.

If you are over 70 it doesn't matter either because then they will stop using the PCR and use the Lateral Flow test instead and as if by magic the covid 'epidemic' will dwindle leaving traditional flu in it's place, new vaccines all round for next year.






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7 hours ago, nit2wynit said:

DNA Chip

Did you even bother yourselves to Google it?

I've just googled it:

"A DNA microarray is also commonly known as DNA chip or biochip."



The DNA microarray is a tool used to determine whether the DNA from a particular individual contains a mutation in genes.



Not sure what the connection is between this technology and the current pandemic?

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6 minutes ago, Provaton said:

I've just googled it:

"A DNA microarray is also commonly known as DNA chip or biochip."

Not sure what the connection is between this technology and the current pandemic?

They claim that vaccines will contain a DNA chip that will allow Bill Gates to control us like minions. Seriously, I am not making it up.

You won't get controlled if you don't get vaccinated. Also don't forget to use cryptocurrencies, banks are involved.

Check the clown's messages, it is hilarious.

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Latest PHE data, Prof Yeadon writes;

'In fact, recent PHE weekly reports have shown low to no excess deaths.

This is completely consistent with national herd immunity, with local self limiting outbreaks possible but impossible to see a widespread & growing epidemic.

Note that official data shows there is no public health emergency due to the virus. I’m not going to get into the whole business of misattribution of cause of death due to untrustworthy PCR mass testing again (yesterday’s thread covered that).

Please follow Whitty’s advice & be guided by excess deaths. Once you do that, the whole position is seen for what it is: a reality in complete contrast with the narrative of fear.

I’ll close by again encouraging those at elevated risk of severe outcomes from the virus to consider getting vaccinated. It isn’t wise to do so if you’re not at elevated risk. I also repeat my demand that mass testing of the population ceases.

It is simply not necessary & because of unknown unreliability, I believe it’s main product is false positives, fear & superfluous ‘control measures’ which don’t work, while hurting everyone.
If anyone on SAGE reads this, please look to your conscience & alter course.' 


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10 minutes ago, Caseynotes said:

In fact, recent PHE weekly reports have shown low to no excess deaths.

From the report:





When you look at PHE’s individual weekly reports on all-cause mortality in isolation, it does appear that way. However, PHE itself says that the data for the most recent weeks should be interpreted with caution due to delays in death reporting, which are particularly important over Christmas.

It has already adjusted its finding for week 52, to show there actually was excess mortality in England during that week.

Nick Andrews, Senior Statistician at Public Health England, told us: “The number of excess deaths has been significantly higher than average in each of the last 16 weeks.”



The report even says this:


We need to wait until we have complete figures for week 53 before jumping to any conclusions.

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51 minutes ago, Provaton said:

We need to wait until we have complete figures for week 53 before jumping to any conclusions.

the clear and blatant elephant in the room is that the massive recent spike in cases (which is bigger than in April)  is completely missing in the deaths data.

It is obvious that the positive cases data is false.

It is the cases data that is driving lockdown policy.





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24 minutes ago, Caseynotes said:

the clear and blatant elephant in the room is that the massive recent spike in cases (which is bigger than in April)  is completely missing in the deaths data.

Excess deaths have been above average since late September.

The recent spike in cases from late December will start impacting death figures in a week or two: there is a lag between contracting the virus, entering ICU and dying.


Source: https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/deaths/datasets/weeklyprovisionalfiguresondeathsregisteredinenglandandwales

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From Ed Conway at Sky (@EdConwaySky):


in terms of pure numbers of deaths, this is the worst year since 1918 - the final year of WWI and the Spanish Influenza. More than 600,000 people died in England & Wales in 2020. That's more than any year in WWII (inc military deaths).




In 2020 the population-adjusted excess death rate was the highest since 1940. Higher than any postwar pandemic and matched in peacetime only by 1929 (severe flu pandemic and economic crash) and 1847 (potato blight and famine in parts of N Europe).




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18 minutes ago, Provaton said:

Excess deaths have been above average since late September.

That's correct there is a lag, about 8 days for ICU and another 8 for deaths but the London increase in cases started at the beginning of December.

And let's not forget that Whitty and Vallance said the same thing with rising cases back in September and there was no corresponding large spike in deaths back then either.



As you can see the PHE chart goes back 5 years as well and clearly shows there was a mild winter in 2018 and 2019 but this current winter is looking normal.


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15 minutes ago, Provaton said:

From Ed Conway at Sky (@EdConwaySky):

Oh, but he doesn't mention that around 48% of excess deaths this year were non-covid and were actually a result of govt policy caused by continuous rolling lockdowns and restriction of access to the health service.

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@jlz @Provaton  Right folks.  Let me first apologise for my insults yesterday, but don't assume this means they weren't justified.   If you don't refrain from subtle underhanded insults I'll unleash a holy wrath upon you.

On a daily basis I see people go back and forth with theories ripping each other apart.  Dave up the street, calls Karen down the street, even though Dave is as dumb as Karen.  It's a **** terrible ironical joke.  I am not talking about theories and I do not believe there are microchips in vaccines that allow Bill Gates to control my mind!  I don't believe in Lizards in the Palace, Flat Earth or Holographic Moons,  Nibiru or Giants in Japan but what I DO believe is the world is a business and people are corruptible.  I do understand that 100 years ago most of the world was Socialsit/Communist and Capitalism has failed.  What I believe dictates what I will research.  What I research reveals truths.   The truth is, the Banks, Pharma, and Military control the world.  There are very powerful people whom wish to own the planet and dominate in a manner that will Digitally Enslave us all.  This is where it all starts.  This is the belief system that a lot of people around the world already understand and adopt, but too many believe anything and not enough know enough.  When Conspiracy Theorist talk about Microchips in vaccines, they are literally talking about what I have mentioned.  A Bio-Identifier program that is in development.  Yes some believe they are literally Microchips in the vaccine, but at least they're listening and asking questions.   Behind all the spin and Pandemic lies is a plan to end Capitalism and bring back a global Communist/Socialist regime.  If you can't already see it happening, then I'm wasting my time.  I knew of 911 before it happened.  I knew of 2008 Global Collapse.  I knew of 7/7  I knew of this recent collapse and I know of the 2nd Massive collapse that will stop it all.  This is a warning to us Traders.  I don't know when it will happen though.

From here, you can literally see every single move as a Hostile Takeover of your body mind and soul.  My dates may have become muddled.  I'm not a scholar.

Specific dates to note.  1933 and Federal reserve.  It became illegal to own Gold in the US.  The Great depression and a massive Land Grab by the Fed.  It's happening again.

1971 and the global Fiat Currency Petro Dollar as the reserve currency.  The world became Bankrupt to a Fiat currency.

Big Pharma creating Opioid addictions and viruses and offering cures (they do the same with PC viruses)
Middle East Invasion.  All of them wanted to return to the Gold Standard of trade.  the US (Banks-Jews) wasn't happy about this.  Also Afghanistan is now the worlds largest exporter of Opium to the western world.  The UK is among the largest exporter of Legal Weed, but we can't own it or grow it ourselves.  For decades people have protested for it use for it's medicinal purpose.  Now it's sold at massive profits, but you still can't grow it yourself......................

Wait!   I can't even condense the last 100 years into a coherent paragraph.   It already looks like rambling, so I'll repeat.  What we're talking about is a Belief System.  If you believe the Main Stream Media and that your Government cares about you, then I can't help you.

We are literally born into Debt and Slavery.  A Government can borrow from the Private Banks based upon how many people it has.  i.e how many Slaves.  The entire world is in debt to the Private Banks.....Except those Sovereign Countries that want to use Gold to trade.  Lobbyists push for power behind the curtain of Political Favour.  they use their wealth and influence to Change the World.

Since Trump and Brexit in the UK, the Elite have changed up their strategy.    The Virus was about last summer.  I actually anticipated it to hit The News* (propaganda machine) back in Winter 2018!  It didn't happen.  Then Brexit was sealed and Trump signed a Trade Deal with China in January 2020.  Then out of nowhere, Death spikes.  Yet 5,000 people every single month die of Flu or Penumonia in the UK.

Do I even need to mention that Pfizer has a Lab in Wuhan since 2010?

I'm going to assume you've not heard of The 5 Eyes, 9 Eyes, or 14 Eyes?

If you look in to this you can see how just a small amount of high ranking officials control the world.

I'm actually exhausted talking to people about this.  I've been following what's going on for 25 years only taking a break in 2014.  Everything that is happening now, I was talking about back then.

Here it is in a paragraph.

Fake Illegal war to enter the mid east.  9/11 was an inside job.  Those buildings were demolished.  They seized all Gold and Oil and Opium Production in the Mid East and moved from Country to Country using Proxy Wars.  Russia, China specifically put a stop to it.

China has been hoarding Gold for decades and wants to control the world.

The Dollar has failed.  The Fed will collapse.  Gold Standard returns.  The Great reset will be a Land Grab.  as we are all forced to default on our loans, all property reverts back to the State.  A new Social Credit System will be introduced.  Vaccines will be Mandatory.  The new 5G network will allow for Real Time surveillance and Digital Bio-Tracking.  Your entire life will be Digitised.  You will become a Digital Slave.

Over the coming years, populations will slowly decline.  Keep an eye on India specifically.  Then eyes turn to Africa.

Now, as I said.  This is a Belief System.  If you don't believe the world is corrupt and controlled by a small amount of very very powerful people, then most if not all of what I've just remarked on, will sound like Fake News.  Only when you realise how corruptible Politicians are, how everyone can be bought, and that humans have a sick desire to control and manipulate, will any of these things make sense.

Hey, maybe I'm just Paranoid and it's all just a coincidence?

Failing Healthcare, Crippled NHS, Less Police?  =   Pandemic, Military joins with Police.  Lockdown, Total Regime change.


I can't answer any more questions.  You want specific links I don't have any.

STOP turning on each other and listen.  Ask questions without sarcasm.  If you want to know, be polite.  No need to ridicule.  We all **** if this isn't stopped.


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1 hour ago, nit2wynit said:

@Caseynotes What are your thoughts on WHY it's all Fake?

What are they trying to achieve?

I wouldn't say it is all fake, the PCR test worked fine when it was only used on symptomatic people but fell apart (as they should have known it would) when used for mass testing of asymptomatic people.

That, along with the suppression of other treatments that have been shown to be affective, as well as the pretence that there is no longer any such thing as herd immunity has meant a forced wait for vaccines.

The 2 biggest winners as a result are big govt taking unprecedented powers and big pharma taking unprecedented profits.

The WHO have shown themselves to be in China's pocket while Dr Fauci (who has lead  most western countries response) is a close associate of, and has financial links to Bill Gates.

And standing behind it all are the Davos elites who include big tech, so we have govts who are using covid to plan 'build back better' (code for the WEF new world order agenda) with msm and social media shutting down any attempt at descent.



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5 minutes ago, Caseynotes said:

I wouldn't say it is all fake, the PCR test worked fine when it was only used on symptomatic people but fell apart (as they should have known it would) when used for mass testing of asymptomatic people.

That, along with the suppression of other treatments that have been shown to be affective, as well as the pretence that there is no longer any such thing as herd immunity has meant a forced wait for vaccines.

The 2 biggest winners as a result are big govt taking unprecedented powers and big pharma taking unprecedented profits.

The WHO have shown themselves to be in China's pocket while Dr Fauci (who has lead  most western countries response) is a close associate of, and has financial links to Bill Gates.

And standing behind it all are the Davos elites who include big tech, so we have govts who are using covid to plan 'build back better' (code for the WEF new world order agenda) with msm and social media shutting down any attempt at descent.




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4 hours ago, Caseynotes said:

NHS 999 and 111 triage calls up to Jan11 continues decline since mid Dec.



Do you not consider the numbers are down because most of the country went into tier 4? Which is lockdown. Emergency and Casualty departments have been empty as people are now afraid to go to Hospital as they do not want to contract Covid. Also, as folk are discouraged from going anywhere or doing much of anything, there will be commensurately less accidents, mishaps, spread of other communicable diseases and general need for triage or emergency services, save for delivery to ever expanding Covid wards. 


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Hopefully Google Chrome will be able to translate it properly for you guys. 

Below is a full report of 2020 in Spain. Sadly it has been the worst year ever in terms of deceases, mainly because of COvID-19.


This newspaper is famous for its impartiality as it is backed by subscribers and do not receive funds from any political party, so their reports and opinions do not seek to make a political statement. It's pure data analysis.

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11 minutes ago, jlz said:

Hopefully Google Chrome will be able to translate it properly for you guys. 

Below is a full report of 2020 in Spain. Sadly it has been the worst year ever in terms of deceases, mainly because of COvID-19.


This newspaper is famous for its impartiality as it is backed by subscribers and do not receive funds from any political party, so their reports and opinions do not seek to make a political statement. It's pure data analysis.

Data Analysis that is Provided to them by whom?  Impartial paper that is given info by whom?  If you Trust your gov, then sure, you'll trust the info they give you, but how do you know it's True?  How do you know it's not been altered to further an agenda?  How can you prove it?

They're not an independent Scientific Body outside of influence.  they're still a Business of selling News.  You're assuming what you're being told is True.  We, or at least myself, are assuming it's Not True.

While I've not concerned myself with the Spain report, I've enough evidence here in the UK to suggest that what the Spanish post is referring to is exactly the same as the UK and the rest of the world.

There has been almost 30 billion given to UK Vaccine companies and 2 million in Gag money to pay off high up NHS staff.  the vaccines are being SOLD BACK TO US with Profit attached!!!!!

You're only going to find evidence or alternative stories than what is being reported in the Main Stream Media (again, Propaganda) if you look elsewhere for it.

You're posting about what is already reported.  You're posting the Current Narrative.

We're suggesting it is not entirely True and there is enough evidence, OR at least Contrary Evidence to suggest that something doesn't add up.

Don't you understand?  You're trying to Debunk by posting what it being put out by Gov and papers.  You're not adding anything new.  you're just Laughing at the idea.!  Why would you do that?  Because you can't believe the world is a corrupt business??

What I know is true is true because of how it is happening.  It's happening exactly how I/they said it would.

The world is full of whistle blowers.  We're fighting a psychology of brainwashing.  You think I'm a Conspiracy Theorist?  In your eyes that might be true, but it's not Absolutely True.  I will always be how you see me, but you also don't know me at all.  To assume I am anything is already a mistake.

We'll know more within the year and by the Summer Solstice.  


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2 hours ago, nit2wynit said:

Data Analysis that is Provided to them by whom?  Impartial paper that is given info by whom?  If you Trust your gov, then sure, you'll trust the info they give you, but how do you know it's True?  How do you know it's not been altered to further an agenda?  How can you prove it?

They're not an independent Scientific Body outside of influence.  they're still a Business of selling News.  You're assuming what you're being told is True.  We, or at least myself, are assuming it's Not True.

While I've not concerned myself with the Spain report, I've enough evidence here in the UK to suggest that what the Spanish post is referring to is exactly the same as the UK and the rest of the world.

There has been almost 30 billion given to UK Vaccine companies and 2 million in Gag money to pay off high up NHS staff.  the vaccines are being SOLD BACK TO US with Profit attached!!!!!

You're only going to find evidence or alternative stories than what is being reported in the Main Stream Media (again, Propaganda) if you look elsewhere for it.

You're posting about what is already reported.  You're posting the Current Narrative.

We're suggesting it is not entirely True and there is enough evidence, OR at least Contrary Evidence to suggest that something doesn't add up.

Don't you understand?  You're trying to Debunk by posting what it being put out by Gov and papers.  You're not adding anything new.  you're just Laughing at the idea.!  Why would you do that?  Because you can't believe the world is a corrupt business??

What I know is true is true because of how it is happening.  It's happening exactly how I/they said it would.

The world is full of whistle blowers.  We're fighting a psychology of brainwashing.  You think I'm a Conspiracy Theorist?  In your eyes that might be true, but it's not Absolutely True.  I will always be how you see me, but you also don't know me at all.  To assume I am anything is already a mistake.

We'll know more within the year and by the Summer Solstice.  


I can tell that you haven't even tried to read the article, sources are there and are independent, some are oficial and some are private.

I know that you are not interested in following a narrative that challenges your Twitter memes but there it is. Like many things I post on this thread it is for everyone to read it. You choose to not to read it and critise it. But never forget that there is more people reading it and some are actually going to try to understand it. 

You are just another point of view, a wrong one from my understanding.

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1 hour ago, jlz said:

I can tell that you haven't even tried to read the article, sources are there and are independent, some are oficial and some are private.

I know that you are not interested in following a narrative that challenges your Twitter memes but there it is. Like many things I post on this thread it is for everyone to read it. You choose to not to read it and critise it. But never forget that there is more people reading it and some are actually going to try to understand it. 

You are just another point of view, a wrong one from my understanding.

Dear god........

You are a waste of time!

I'm outta here.

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6 hours ago, nit2wynit said:

Dear god........

You are a waste of time!

I'm outta here.

A bit of fuel for your conspiranoia.

MS is vaccinating people in London. Bill Gates is starting to deploy his microchips!


I was told Mr Doors is a big fun of the Kingsman films, he must have taken ideas from there.

The end is near.

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11 hours ago, 786Trader said:

Do you not consider the numbers are down because most of the country went into tier 4? Which is lockdown. Emergency and Casualty departments have been empty as people are now afraid to go to Hospital as they do not want to contract Covid. Also, as folk are discouraged from going anywhere or doing much of anything, there will be commensurately less accidents, mishaps, spread of other communicable diseases and general need for triage or emergency services, save for delivery to ever expanding Covid wards. 


Do you remember January 2018? - probably not but 64,000 people died of influenza, that's more than died of covid in April 2020.

But then in Jan 2018 we didn't have a national lockdown and the shutting down of the NHS. There weren't increased deaths from suicide, heart disease, strokes and cancer, there weren't millions made unemployed or 10s of thousands of businesses destroyed.

Covid didn't do that. The Govt did that.

Where did the idea of lockdown come from? In all history never before were entire cities locked down where all the healthy people were not allowed to leave their home.

This came from China where it had been in use to control dissenting minorities, it was a political weapon. The Chinese sold this idea to the WHO. The WHO's VP Bruce Aylward, waving charts with flattened curves, then sold it on to the rest of the world.

Later studies have shown that the curve was flattened by natural herd immunity and in fact lockdown actually increased the speed of spread. Holding people in tight groups and letting one or two out for short periods to buy food increased the rate of spread over those areas where there was no control at all.

The use of lockdown was more likely to overwhelm the NHS than no lockdown but then the govt had shut the NHS down to anything other than covid anyway. 

So currently we are using a tactic that doesn't work to fight a 'cases' epidemic that doesn't exist.

- Fake cases numbers being generated by the misuse of the PCR test.

Ploy to push vaccinations or just bewildering incompetence?



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    • WTI Elliott Wave Analysis WTI is recovering from the low of September 2024 and could advance further in the coming weeks to $80-90 as a bullish corrective sequence from May 2023 progresses. Thus, provided dips do not exceed the $65.3 Sept-2024 low, the upside appears to be favored in the short term. From the long-term perspective, price is still correcting the massive rally to $130.9 reached in March 2022 by an impulse wave sequence from April 2022. The corrective structure is emerging as a double zigzag structure with wave ((W)) finished in May 2023 where wave ((X)) started. As the daily chart shows, the price completed waves (A) and (B) of ((X)) in October 2023 and September 2024 respectively. Thus, the current rally from 65.3 is for wave (C) and could reach 97.17 if the price proves our Elliott wave analysis right. A break below 65.3 would mean wave ((X)) already finished at the September 2023 high and the outlook will turn bearish to continue wave ((Y)) toward $50 or below. On the H4 chart, the price is currently in wave 3. Precisely in ((iii)) of 3 after completing ((ii)) at 71.56 pending confirmation by the break of the ((i)) high. In the short term, wave ((iii)) is favored to extend to prices over$80. Technical Analyst : Sanmi Adeagbo Source : Tradinglounge.com get trial here!  
    • TECH MAHINDRA – TECHM (1D Chart) Elliott Wave Technical Analysis Function: Larger Degree Trend Higher (Intermediate Degree, Orange) Mode: Motive Structure: Impulse Position: Minute Wave ((iv)) Navy Details: Minute Wave ((iv)) might be complete as a triangle around the 1600 mark. If correct, Minute Wave ((v)) to resume higher soon. Invalidation point: 1420 Tech Mahindra Daily Chart Technical Analysis and potential Elliott Wave Counts: Tech Mahindra daily chart is indicating a progressive trend higher towards 1800 levels as Minor Wave 3 Grey unfolds. High probability remains that the stock is preparing to resume Minute Wave ((v)) of Minor Wave 3 and prices should ideally stay above 1575 mark. Tech Mahindra had terminated Intermediate Wave (4) Orange around 940 levels in June 2022. Since then, Minor Waves 1 and 2 completed around 1160 and 1105 levels respectively. Furthermore, Minute Waves ((i)) through ((iv)) of Minor Wave 3 also look complete. If the above proposed counts are correct, the stock should resume higher towards 1700-1800 zone as Minute Wave ((iv)) triangle completes. Thereafter, prices should ideally stay above 1420, the termination of Minute Wave ((i)).   TECH MAHINDRA – TECHM (4H Chart) Elliott Wave Technical Analysis Function: Larger Degree Trend Higher (Intermediate Degree, Orange) Mode: Motive Structure: Impulse Position: Minute Wave ((iv)) Navy Details: Minute Wave ((iv)) might be complete as a triangle around the 1600 mark. If correct, Minute Wave ((v)) of Minor Wave 3 Grey within Intermediate Wave (5) Orange to resume higher soon. Invalidation point: 1420 Tech Mahindra 4H Chart Technical Analysis and potential Elliott Wave Counts: Tech Mahindra 4H chart is highlighting the sub waves since Minute Wave ((ii)) of 3. Minute Wave ((iii)) is an impulse followed by a potential triangle unfolding as Minute Wave ((iv)), which is potentially complete around 1600 mark. If correct, Minute Wave ((v)) should be ready to turn higher from here. Conclusion: Tech Mahindra is progressing higher within Minute Wave ((v)) of Minor Wave 3 Grey within Intermediate Wave (5) Orange against 1420 mark. Elliott Wave Analyst: Harsh Japee Source : Tradinglounge.com get trial here!
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