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Displaying Market Events on PRT Charts


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I noticed recently that this incredibly useful and convenient facility is available on IG's basic charts. Is it possible to have this added to PRT charts?


For the TA traders/investors who don't need to go to the Market Data page or an external favourite website for funnymentals data it is very convenient. I feel sure it is a time saving feature for the fundamentalists also.


Fundamental (and TA) traders/investors please feel free to chime in ;-)



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Hi ,


Thanks for the feedback on the Market Events, glad to hear you find this feature useful!


As the IG Charts and ProRealTime charts are developed on different systems, it's not that easy just to add one feature to another, however I can definitely see how this would enhance the ProRealTime charts.


I'll raise this with the team at ProRealTime anyway, so it will at least be up for consideration.



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  • 4 weeks later...

. This can be handled/added as an plugin for PRT. If I am not mistaken, PRT has done something like this before - I think for someone else - overlay of information on a chart as a plugin.



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