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  1. Hi @ArvinIG, I wondered if you guys had an answer to my query or if it's with another individual in your team? Regards, Tom
  2. just to elaborate slightly (as I ran out of time to edit my original post)... I already have some private purchase of these shares via my ISA trading account, so imagine it's allowed(?). If so, am I able to exercise my share options straight into this account / these shares directly, and bypass the tax? Regards, Tom
  3. Hi Arvin, Thanks for the response, the ticker code is: INHC Regards, Tom
  4. Dear IG, A third of my share options have now vested at the private company I work for. To exercise these, it's 0.005p per share. The shares are at a low value right now, and I wanted to buy them, pay less tax than I would when the shares (I believe) rise to a higher value, and put them straight into my ISA trading account for tax free gains. However, is there a way of exercising those share options straight into my ISA trading account with you? Is there any way I can leverage the £20k per year limit of that ISA when it comes to share options? Your advice as to the art-of-the-possible on this topic would be great. Thanks, Tom
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