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  1. Really sorry if it's been asked before but couldn't find the info. Can anyone please breakdown how the commission costs works on a share dealing account, especially for the first month, as I couldn't find the information I was looking for on here: https://www.ig.com/uk/investments/share-dealing/costs-fees e.g. If I opened an account on 1st Nov and made 3 trades that month on US shares I will be charged £10 commission on each trade, totalling £30? The next month, because I've traded 3 US shares in the previous month I won't pay any commission? And this will be true as long as I continue to make 3 trades per month? So if I'm not in a rush to buy shares it would be kind of pointless doing any more than 3 trades in my first month as I'll be charged £10 for each one? I may as well wait to trade in month 2 as there is no commission? Ignoring the fact I may lose out if share prices go up in month 2, is the above correct? Many thanks, Ben
  2. Did you find out any information on this? Many thanks
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