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Everything posted by TwoStepsForwardOneStepBack

  1. Thanks for the reply. Looks like I will need to retrieve the epic every time I need to open a new trade.
  2. Is it possible to work out the name of the Epic for an upcoming Futures market? I'll use natural gas as an example. In June 2023 I use the API companion and see the July and August futures (see below). What will the epic be named that expires in SEP-23 ? Indirectly I guess I am also asking is the "Month1" part of the AUG-23 epic (for example) going to change ? { "delayTime": 0, "epic": "EN.D.NG.Month2.IP", "netChange": 23.0, "lotSize": 10, "expiry": "JUL-23", "instrumentType": "COMMODITIES", "instrumentName": "Natural Gas", "high": 2697.0, "low": 2628.0, "percentageChange": 0.86, "updateTime": "39340000", "updateTimeUTC": "10:55:40", "bid": 2680.0, "offer": 2690.0, "otcTradeable": true, "streamingPricesAvailable": true, "marketStatus": "TRADEABLE", "scalingFactor": 1 }, { "delayTime": 0, "epic": "EN.D.NG.Month1.IP", "netChange": 21.0, "lotSize": 10, "expiry": "AUG-23", "instrumentType": "COMMODITIES", "instrumentName": "Natural Gas", "high": 2784.0, "low": 2718.0, "percentageChange": 0.76, "updateTime": "39340000", "updateTimeUTC": "10:55:40", "bid": 2767.0, "offer": 2777.0, "otcTradeable": true, "streamingPricesAvailable": true, "marketStatus": "TRADEABLE", "scalingFactor": 1 }
  3. I've pretty much only been using https. IIRC, I tested http a few months back without any noticeable difference. I updated this thread to point out that something has most likely changed at IG's side to allow this to work. My code is unchanged for several months and I only retested when I was looking at something else and was expecting this to give the same error as before. Connecting to Demo in the same way worked last December and is still working now. Connecting to Live has worked from other applications; it just wasn't working from where I needed it to. As it now seems to be working, if I decide to move my code over I have options and a backup strategy already built if this happens in the future. I just worry that IG may make changes in the future and that the APIs stop working with support not really being interested in resolving the matter. Of course my support call may have initiated some change or bug-fix that I'm not been updated on.
  4. Almost 4 months later, I retried the same code (to login to Live) and it worked first time. Still not heard anything from IG support though......
  5. Did anyone resolve this issue? BryanCheng, I'm really interested if you were able to connect to Live from Google Apps Script since it is also not working for me. Demo works as expected and Live works from every other source that I have tried.
  6. Been in touch with support by email but it's a long wait to hear anything back. Over a week ago they passed it on to a developer to look at but I haven't heard anything back yet. My error message looks to be similar (and likely the same) as yours. I can login in to live from various sources but not the one I actually need to use. That source works for Demo. If I use incorrect credentials, I get the same "Access Denied" so it looks to me like it is being blocked from IG's side (but only specific sources/domains/IP addresses).
  7. Hi protagarusra, I am getting the same error. Did you get anything resolved here? For my Live account, I can login using the API Companion but not through my code. The API companion works with Demo and importantly my code also works in Demo. To try to access Live, within my code, I change the URL, username and password (using those values that work correctly in the API Companion), so really can't see why it isn't working. Anyone any ideas?
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