Whilst working with my live account through the REST API on the API companion tool (and also with my own code in Excel), I encounter a problem when I try to create a new position with parameters below.
response "errorCode": "error.trading.otc.market-orders.not-supported-for-epic"
Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong or does it mean I can't POST (positions/otc) on the FTSE?
"epic": "OP.D.FTSE1.6750P.IP",
"expiry": "MAR-23",
"direction": "SELL",
"size": "1",
"orderType": "MARKET",
"timeInForce": "FILL_OR_KILL",
"level": null,
"guaranteedStop": "false",
"stopLevel": null,
"stopDistance": null,
"trailingStop": null,
"trailingStopIncrement": null,
"forceOpen": "false",
"limitLevel": null,
"limitDistance": null,
"quoteId": null,
"currencyCode": "GBP"