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  1. This is not an acceptable explanation for me unfortunately, I am fully aware of the need to move spreads and I had accounted for that. Especially at the open of a market, but your spread was totally unreasonable the spread on DEC contracts is already at 130pip standard, to increase it to 400pips and hold it there even after 5 mins of trading. As my execution was a 09:06 the main market volatility had already been accounted for. So disappointing after 6years being a customer and on a profitable trade as well:
  2. This morning at the market open on NOVO DEC contracts. On Spread Bet. the spread moved from 138pips to close to 400 pips? How can this be reasonable the candle is only displayed on a 15-2min time period not on smaller periods. At market open 09:00 ????? How is this even remotely reasonable?
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