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Posts posted by TheGuru12

  1. On 03/08/2023 at 14:49, Jul78 said:

    Day trading has been a challenging experience for me, and I've learned some important lessons along the way. Comparing it to swing trading, I found day trading to be even more demanding, particularly when dealing with lower time frames. Despite having engaged in over 100 day trades, I must admit that I am not an expert, and on average, I've faced losses. However, I believe in being honest about my journey, and I consider these losses as valuable learning opportunities.

    Day trading demands quick decision-making, discipline, and a deep understanding of market dynamics. Managing emotions is crucial, as impulsive actions can disrupt a well-defined trading strategy. I have realized the significance of risk management and preserving capital, as it's essential for long-term success. Each trade has imparted valuable insights, irrespective of the outcome.

    Preparation and research are key components of day trading. I've learned to analyze charts, identify patterns, and pay attention to technical indicators and market trends. Staying informed about relevant news and events has become a part of my routine. Maintaining a trading journal has proven useful, allowing me to reflect on my decisions and improve my strategies.

    Day trading requires adaptability, as the market is always changing. What works in one situation might not be effective in another, and flexibility is necessary for survival. While the thrill of quick decisions and trades keeps me engaged, I've also learned to manage my expectations, understanding that consistent profitability takes time.

    For newcomers interested in day trading, I offer some advice. First and foremost, focus on building a strong foundation in trading principles and strategies. Seek mentorship or guidance from experienced traders to gain insights and learn from their experiences. Understand that day trading is not a shortcut to wealth; it demands dedication, patience, and a willingness to learn from mistakes.

    Starting with a smaller trading account and setting loss limits can help manage risk. Concentrate on a select few trading strategies that align with your risk tolerance and market preferences. Implement proper risk management techniques to safeguard against significant drawdowns.

    In conclusion, day trading is undeniably tough, and my experiences have reinforced this truth. However, the knowledge and insights I've gained will contribute to my growth as a trader. Day trading requires discipline, market awareness, and emotional control. It's an ongoing learning journey that demands constant adaptation to market fluctuations. To those considering day trading, I advise approaching it with dedication, patience, and a commitment to continuous improvement. Success in day trading may not come easily, but with perseverance and the right mindset, it can be achieved.

    The IG Index API certainly helps with alot of that. 


    I've developed an initial version of a market sentiment checker, which utilizes the concept of weighted log returns to gauge the mood of the financial markets. This tool is designed to simplify the complex task of assessing market sentiment by analyzing fluctuations in price data. By applying weights to log returns, it emphasizes the significance of certain data points over others, offering a more nuanced view of market dynamics. This approach allows for a fundamental analysis of market sentiment and provides insights into the current state of the market at any given moment. It serves as a valuable tool for investors and traders looking to make informed decisions based on the underlying sentiment driving market movements.

    sentiment-sleuth - Github Link

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