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Occasional Contributor (2/10)



  1. Hi OfentseIG does this mean the shares I held in Elmo have been sold without my permission? That is how I am interpreting "mandatory event". Am I correct. Regards, Stu.
  2. Hi Everyone, my position held since 2021 was closed last week quoting " corprate action", does anyone know what this means? Thank you, Stu
  3. Can someone explain why the sell price is 72 and buy 100, why such a big difference, thanks Stu.
  4. Thank yo and have a good night, Stu
  5. Thank you Casey, one more question why do some share prices show 20 and others dont?
  6. What does the number 20 in a box mean along side the share price, in this case Auckland Airport, thank you
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