Hi, thank you for your response
I've inserted the version it doesn't seem to help. The response include only the first market in the watchlist and only few fields for that market. The API Companion works fine though, I see all the data. I can't see why...
Public Function watchlistMarkets(watchlistIdentifier As String) As Collection
Dim A_instrumentName As String
Dim A_expiry As String
Dim A_epic As String
Dim A_marketStatus As String
Dim A_lotSize As String
Dim A_high As String
Dim A_low As String
Dim A_percentageChange As String
Dim A_netChange As String
Dim A_bid As String
Dim A_offer As String
Dim A_updateTime As String
Dim A_updateTimeUTC As String
Dim A_delayTime As String
Dim A_streamingPricesAvailable As String
Dim A_scalingFactor As String
Call oXMLHTTP.Open("GET", IG_API_HOST + "/watchlists/" + watchlistIdentifier, False)
Call oXMLHTTP.SetRequestHeader("X-SECURITY-TOKEN", m_accountToken)
Call oXMLHTTP.SetRequestHeader("CST", m_clientToken)
Call oXMLHTTP.SetRequestHeader("Version", "1")
Call oXMLHTTP.SetRequestHeader("X-IG-API-KEY", m_apiKey)
Call oXMLHTTP.SetRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8")
Call oXMLHTTP.SetRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json; charset=utf-8")
Call oXMLHTTP.send
If oXMLHTTP.Status = 200 Then
Dim data As Dictionary
Dim market As Dictionary
Set data = JSON.parse(oXMLHTTP.responseText)
Set watchlistMarkets = data.Item("markets")
For Each market In watchlistMarkets
A_instrumentName = market.Item("instrumentName")
A_expiry = market.Item("expiry")
A_epic = market.Item("epic")
A_marketStatus = market.Item("marketStatus")
A_lotSize = market.Item("lotSize")
A_high = market.Item("high")
A_low = market.Item("low")
A_percentageChange = market.Item("percentageChange")
A_netChange = market.Item("netChange")
A_bid = market.Item("bid")
A_offer = market.Item("offer")
A_updateTime = market.Item("updateTime")
A_updateTimeUTC = market.Item("updateTimeUTC")
A_delayTime = market.Item("delayTime")
A_streamingPricesAvailable = market.Item("streamingPricesAvailable")
A_scalingFactor = market.Item("scalingFactor")
Set watchlistMarkets = Nothing
End If
Exit Function
End Function
Exit Function
End Function