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Everything posted by Rubyred

  1. hi there, why there is no one answer this ? who have I need to talk with , if live chat is not available ? i am about to add my account balance , but now i am worry because no one respond my question, either from here or by email.. help advice. thank you
  2. Hello IG Australia, I have live account with IG Australia and I already agreed (clicked) to transfer into IG International for about a week ago. but until now, I still don't receive and confirmation, and link to transfer still appear on my ig dashboard. I need to know my status account and when I can trade in IG international. second, why live chat is not available anymore? I also already email the help desk regarding my above question, but no one reply to me. Please inform me if everything is still going normal. I want to trade on IG International as advised. thank you. Ruby
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