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  1. Hello, I want to 'split' my charts into 4 timeframes for each stock I am watching: 1 min, 2 min, 3 min, 5 min (as pictured below). However when I change these, go to another chart and come back, the timeframes usually reset to the timeframe of the last chart I viewed or changed. This is stopping me from trading as I spend all my time changing timeframes back. Is there any way to make these stay, or save it as a default layout?
  2. Hi, I want to display each market in my workspace with 4 different timeframes, e.g. 2 min, 5 min, 15 min, 4 hour. I have the chart layout to display 4 charts for each market. However, as I browse through markets, the timeframes do not stay the same. Is there any way I can lock or save the timeframes on each chart? Otherwise I am constantly changing timeframes back and forth as I browse each market in my workspace. Hoping this is simple fix, as I seem to be spending all my time resetting timeframes and not trading! Many thanks
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