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  1. I am not sure you understood my question in this thread... I want to limit the stop loss to a manageable amount. Refer this potential trade here with CHF/JPY. The minimum stop loss puts me at risk of losing over AU$500, when I only want to risk maybe $100. This sort of scenario makes it an extremely risky trade for people that don't want to risk 10, 20+% of their funds in one trade. This type of trade, should it be taken, can wipe of small traders or stop them for trading these types of currency pairs at all.
  2. Hi Anda, I have just a standard account.
  3. Hello all, I know in MT4 you are able to set a TP1 and a TP2, giving you the option to scale out once hitting TP1. Can this be done within the IG platform when setting up a trade?
  4. Hi and thanks for your reply. This is not encouraging trading certain currency pairs. I am wary of CHF because of this. Isn't this something that does not encourage trading these pairs? Is there a way around it?
  5. Hi, I'd like to understand why there a minimum stop amount that varies greatly depending on currency pairs. eg: CAD/CHF Guaranteed stop minimum is over 148pts, whereas the limit can be as low as 1pt. Why is that? It opens up risk to much higher loses. I'd like to determine my own risk rather than be subject to a minimum.
  6. Hi I think I may have a similar issue. I had a currency trade open (BUY) AUS/USD and noted that after while the trend that began was a sell off. I proceeded to then open another trade to "SELL". When I did that it closed the buy trade at a loss. Can someone maybe explain this that has had this happen before? Thanks Dean
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