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Everything posted by MurrayNRothbard

  1. Hi All , I am looking for a way to play this market. IG has the market for the India Nifty 50 . But would like to trade the narrower S&P BSE SENSEX - which is breaking out to all time highs. https://www.google.com/search?safe=off&hl=en&tbm=fin&sxsrf=ALeKk00BdrEj-Uz-P4MkSMBPlkdb-sQSdw:1608122511553&q=INDEXBOM:+SENSEX&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAONgecRowi3w8sc9YSntSWtOXmNU5eIKzsgvd80rySypFBLnYoOyeKW4uTj1c_UNTMyy4wt4FrEKePq5uEY4-ftaKQS7-gW7RgAAM0vJn0wAAAA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi6tLmYw9LtAhXFYMAKHSpjAmwQ3ecFMAB6BAgQEBk&biw=1920&bih=1098 I have done a fair bit googling and the best that I could find was the following ishare https://www.blackrock.com/hk/en/products/251590/ishares-core-s-and-p-bse-sensex-india-index-etf I did the following search in IG and I got the following Any ideas on other ways to trade this market ? Thanks !
  2. Hi JonW , Did you ever get this working at all ? I have a similar problem which that I accidentally set a whole bunch of my alerts me = once , when really I wanted to set it to alert me every time this occurs . Do you know if there is a way to do this on bulk at all ? Thanks !
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