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Everything posted by ComFox

  1. New regulations that went into effect today. You can only close crypto cfd positions from now on. Very very badly handled by IG. They will lose lots of members over how poorly they handled this...
  2. "Sorry. You are currently restricted from opening new positions on your account. Please contact helpdesk if you need any assistance." I was trading fine, opening positions fine, and then all of a sudden, received this message. If the helpdesk would answer the phone or reply to an email, I wouldn't need to post here, but like everyone else, I cant get hold of helpdesk. Incredibly annoying as I trade I had been setting up for days was missed, and the salt in the wound, was that the trade would've turned out to be a good winner. How does IG explain this?
  3. I've been trying to call them for a week, after hours on hold, no answer?
  4. I cant seem to transfer funds between my Domestic and International accounts. On the correct "Transfer Funds" page, I click, and select the "From" account, but I cannot get a dropdown for the "To" account. Amount etc works fine, but when I click Transfer, it says "Select "To" account". Yet I am given no option in that dropdown box?
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