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  1. Done all usual steps repeatedly logged in and out reset browser blah blah blah but half timescales are missing bars showing tomorrow as next available date. Volumes and RSI not updating, pretty much unusable like this! Anyone else see this or just my broken account. Does it always get broken this easily as can't see it being very easy to use if it is this unreliable?
  2. I am running the IG Trading Platform in a clean sandboxed environment with latest Firefox. Your UI seems very buggy and slow. An order got stock in the UI which I couldn't delete even after logout / login and full reset using the VM snapshot. Clearly a bug in your core platform. This then got converted to a open position because I couldn't edit or delete the order and I then couldn't close the position even after trying multiple times because it came from that ghost order - VERY BUGGY!!!! There was also stuck margin from that ghost order essentially stealing funds that couldn't be returned. Eventually I got the position to close after several minutes but it then appeared again stuck in the system without the related margin this time. This could of resulted in a massive loss of funds! During this issue I found that there is no easy way to contact anyone to say there is a problem and get the position closed. It just stayed open conveniently sucking money out of the account. How's anyone supposed to trust a system with their money when you have absolutely no control over it. Writing a forum post when you are loosing money wouldn't be acceptable and god knows how long it would take to get someone on the phone. Firstly why are there bugs in your system that allow unchecked positions to persist and no method to close them? Secondly why is there no quick way to get in touch when there is a problem - conveniently there isn't even a compose message option just an Inbox - hmm 1 way messaging what's the point? It really puts me off wanting to use something that won't obey simple operations / commands and could leave me open to large losses. Not sure how I could trust something like this with my money!
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