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knicol46 last won the day on March 3

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Community Answers

  1. IG is £7.20 per month to access UK L2 data. If you are registered as for non private use they may charge premium.
  2. Yes, where the trading service for the stock allows it
  3. It is also possible they have you listed as a 'professional' or 'corporate' user that would attract the higher fees. Send the screenshot to IG they should amend. The cost for L2 UK normal retail client is the £7.20 per month (as of 5 Oct 2020 anyhow).
  4. Can I ask which country you are in. I notice all L1 & L2 rates have been multiplied by different amounts as if it is quoting amounts in your local currency as a possible reason. Try logging out/back in and even selecting L2 UK to say what the total monthly fee box says - do not submit to accept. If still no answer forward on a screenshot to IG. I am viewing the default screen showing £7.20 cost for L2 LSE UK.
  5. There is L2 - you will need to ask IG why they charge the same for L1 and L2 on some exchanges
  6. The data feed (optional) costings are shown
  7. yes - as they have to take the payment from your account with a balance in it
  8. If your order is 'filled' over more than one day then each day you would be charged a dealing fee for each day a fill is achieved. This could add up if expecting to leave it on over a week or so. Better to just await your price then quote to trade = 1 dealing fee.
  9. You will see the message exchange check if you attempt to do 2x buys or 2x sells of the same stock within 30 seconds of each other. 30 second gap is needed to allow the exchange to move their position. Worthwhile logging out/in or refresh your log in page if you are still getting the error message. Make sure the stock your attempting to trade is actually open as that can cause an exchange check error message as well.
  10. Synairgen is a market maker stock and uses the SETSqx trading system. There is no order book. Any limit order would only execute if a matched limit order was uncrossed and executed at auction uncrossing times. These are 0800, 0900, 1100, 1400 and 1635. Even though you wanted to sell @ 175p and if the sell price was say 200p+ it would still not automatically execute if using limit orders - only if your trade was uncrossed (not crossed out) at auction uncrossing time would it execute. https://www.lseg.com/sites/default/files/content/documents/LSEG_SETSQX_FACTSHEET_1.PDF
  11. I can find ODX (Omega Dia) ok on L2 dealer. Try Omega or ODX search it should pop up. Call IG if still missing. Make sure you running the latest dealer version.
  12. If you have set to SELL @ 204.6 but the SP is 203.8 - this would indicate the SELL price would still be below your requested limit order price. Await a rise or amend your price.
  13. Depending on the volume you were requesting to buy its possible the market did not have that available volume to buy at the price you requested. If upon open you are trying to get in at any price - place a market order which would execute at best price next in queue.
  14. If you log into the web platform and open the platform. Choose My Account (top right) then select 'Data Feeds' on the left hand side. Select which data feed you require and submit. Do note - the fees I believe are taken instantly to cover for the rest of that month and on the 1st of every month, so may not be the best option if near the end of a month. Some data feeds offer a rebate if doing 1 or 2 trades over the month.
  15. For normal sharetrading IG does not have Canadian stock exchanges active to trade. Would certainly be of interest if they could change this decision - I have to use other brokers for Canadian stock trading.
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