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BUG - API ClosePositionRequest returns OK/200 but does nothing (on demo)

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I have been integrating your API and I want to close a position (using your example client). For that list the currently open positions [1] and based on received data create a CloseOTCPositionV1Request [2]. After sending the above mentioned request [2], I receive HttpStatus OK/200 along with a CloseOTCPositionV1Response containing a dealReference [3].. Therefore I would expect this position to be closed, but I can repeate this multiple times!!! Also I can see the open position in the UI.

From my perspective this is a bug..

Thanks for clarification



[1] PositionsItem{position=Position{contractSize=10000.0, createdDate='2022/03/07 08:09:11:000', createdDateUTC='2022-03-07T08:09:11', dealId='DIAAAAHUBFF4UAN', size=1.0, direction=BUY, limitLevel=null, level=151.958, currency='JPY', controlledRisk=false, stopLevel=null, trailingStep=null, trailingStopDistance=null}, market=Market{instrumentName='GBP/JPY Mini', epic='CS.D.GBPJPY.MINI.IP', marketStatus=TRADEABLE}}

[2] CloseOTCPositionV1Request{dealId='DIAAAAHUBFF4UAN', epic='null', expiry='null', direction=BUY, size=1.0, level=null, orderType=MARKET, timeInForce=null, quoteId='null'}

[3] RefID = 2EQC69M1FXHPRD0N1


INFO  [2022 03 08 - 18:36:40,524] [ForexApp] [main]: IgRestApi Client: re-connecting as sa_demo_forex2
INFO  [2022 03 08 - 18:36:40,833] [ForexApp] [main]: Listing positions..
INFO  [2022 03 08 - 18:36:40,834] [ForexApp] [main]: PositionsItem{position=Position{contractSize=10000.0, createdDate='2022/03/07 08:09:11:000', createdDateUTC='2022-03-07T08:09:11', dealId='DIAAAAHUBFF4UAN', size=2.0, direction=BUY, limitLevel=null, level=151.958, currency='JPY', controlledRisk=false, stopLevel=null, trailingStep=null, trailingStopDistance=null}, market=Market{instrumentName='GBP/JPY Mini', epic='CS.D.GBPJPY.MINI.IP', marketStatus=TRADEABLE}}
TRACE [2022 03 08 - 18:36:40,834] [ForexApp] [main]: Executing close position request for deal = DIAAAAHUBFF4UAN
DEBUG [2022 03 08 - 18:36:40,839] [ForexApp] [main]: json body: {"dealId":"DIAAAAHUBFF4UAN","epic":null,"expiry":null,"direction":"BUY","size":2.0,"level":null,"orderType":"MARKET","timeInForce":null,"quoteId":null}
DEBUG [2022 03 08 - 18:36:40,840] [ForexApp] [main]: conversation context was provided
TRACE [2022 03 08 - 18:36:41,041] [ForexApp] [main]: Executing close position request for deal = DIAAAAHUBFF4UAN ... OK - RefID = 2EQC69M1FXHPRD0N1
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 I hope this helps someone - my problem was, that the Direction needs to be oposite from what it is in the Position.. So if Position is in the SELL direction, the ClosePosition needs to be in the BUY Direction.. 
From my perspective, this is a redundant variable which should not be mandatory - If I want to close position, i want the oposite of the open position implicitly..

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