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S&P 500, NASDAQ 100, DAX 40, FTSE 100, ASX 200, SPY ETF, QQQ ETF, technical analysis

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Analysis covers key stock market indices including the S&P 500, NASDAQ 100, Russell 2000, DAX 40, FTSE 100, and ASX 200, utilizing Elliott Wave Technical Analysis. The Elliott Wave (iv) corrective patterns for the S&P 500 and NASDAQ are complete, with upward impulse waves beginning. The structure of Minor Wave 3 of Intermediate (5) may extend to fit leading Nasdaq stocks like AMZN and META. Employment and final GDP figures will be released in the next session, making Friday an optimal time for long trades. European indices DAX and FTSE 100, along with the ASX 200, might see further declines before potential long trades become viable.

Video Chapters:
- 00:00 S&P 500 (SPX), SPY ETF
- 17:43 Russell 2000 (RUT), IWM ETF
- 18:43 DAX 40 (DAX)
- 21:34 FTSE 100 UKX (UK100)
- 23:46 S&P/ASX 200 (XJO)
- 26:34 End

Analyst: Peter Mathers, TradingLounge


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