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Bitget Continues to Soar: A Look at the Impressive Growth in Proof of Reserves

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In an industry where trust is currency, the exchange has once again proven its commitment to transparency and security with its updated Proof of Reserves for July 2024. The latest figures are nothing short of remarkable—a total reserve ratio standing strong at an impressive 167%. This not only showcases Bitget's financial health but also reinforces user confidence in the platform.

A closer examination of Bitget’s reserve growth over the last four months reveals an upward trajectory that speaks volumes about its stability and reliability as an exchange.

Bitcoin In January 2024, held by the exchange is 3,303 BTC in reserves. By April 2024, this figure had surged by an astonishing 37%, reaching a total of 4,536 BTC.
The increase in BTC reserves demonstrates its commitment to maintaining a robust balance, which directly impacts user trust.

Tether, known for its stability pegged to fiat currencies like USD, witnessed even more dramatic growth.
Starting at over half a billion USDT in reserves at the beginning of January (505,343,883 USDT), by April, this number had ballooned by an incredible 51%.
The exchange now holds a staggering total reserve count of over three-quarters billion USDT (763,053,734 USDT).

Ethereum holders will be equally impressed. As the  ETH reserves increased significantly In January, they held about 27,132 of it and April this had risen to 39,495 ETH, reflecting a remarkable 46% growth.

The exchange consistent growth in Proof of Reserves not only ensures the safety of user funds but also reinforces its position as a reliable and trustworthy exchange. As the crypto market evolves, Bitget continues to set the standard for transparency and security, earning the confidence of traders worldwide.


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