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  1. What do you think is this a recovery play at all or is it a "don't touch with a barge pole?"
  2. Hi - This is my first post to this forum - so hello everyone. I make money using my IT skills (built up over 40 years). I'm "netcurtainsAuto" in the stockchallenge competition. I've developed an application that picks out all the low PE ratios, big Dividends, great NAV, big cash piles etc etc. Then I sort them into giving me top 10 lists. Two days ago I had my first "novel" published on amazon (so excuse me if I'm a bit over-excited). In the novel, in one of the later chapters I explain in a bit more detail (although not much more) how I built the system and some of the shares I picked with it. This is the link to the book: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Kill-coder-lowest-score-Hawthorne/dp/B0BZFP38V8/ref=sr_1_1 Amazon allow you to view the first ten pages before buying so that gives you a flavour of the book. Thanks - hope you all do well with your investments. Cheers Agent X.
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