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  1. Hi I have Rolls Royce shares in my IG account and realising they do not pay a dividend I saw they issue 'C' Class Shares which need to be redeemed: Payments to shareholders | Rolls-Royce Has anyone any experience of redeeming these or getting information/option requests from IG??? I have been trying for weeks to get information from the Corporate Actions Team, and am still waiting??
  2. Hi There - Any update on this??? Or is it time to move my accounts to a platform that can provide DRIPs?
  3. Hi There - Any update on this??? Or is it time to move my accounts to a platform that can provide DRIPs?
  4. Has this been sorted yet??? I have looked at various blogs and posts but can not see any resolution?
  5. I have some Amazon stock I want to sell and then buy more US shares. Does anyone knoe if the settlement proceeds in USD can be held in USD ready for my next share purchase?
  6. I have called 0800 409 6789 to ask when the CTC would be made available. After initially falling off my chair at being told August I asked to be referred to a manager. This was done and I was told end of June, early July. I think this is unacceptable and do not understand why it will take circa 3 months to prepare and make available. This leaves very little time to complete and submit a tax return in order to make the 2022/23 self assessment payment by end of July. IG need to focus on getting these out much quicker.
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