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  1. KoketsoIG's post in ISA was marked as the answer   
    Dear @Rstarkey,
    Thank you for reaching out. Just a heads up, ISAs are not tax reportable, and we don't send out tax documents for them. If you have an existing IG account, head to the dashboard, click on 'add an account,' and choose ISA.

  2. KoketsoIG's post in No available "order types", "expiry" or "stop loss" options was marked as the answer   
    Dear @NotSoAnonymous,
    Please note that market orders are available during market open.
    To place an order to a working order, you are better off placing a limit or stop order. Please also note that on share dealing accounts, some equities will not have the 'stop' order type option.
    We have a lot of resources on order from our platform: Limit Orders and Stop Orders
    All the best,
  3. KoketsoIG's post in Get 2FA on PC? was marked as the answer   
    Dear @dusty54,
    Thank you for your post,
    Unfortunately, you need a third-party authentication mobile app (Google Authenticator, Microsoft Authenticator, Authy) or similar to set up 2FA.
  4. KoketsoIG's post in IG API: Can't create demo key was marked as the answer   
    Dear @andysinclair,
    Thank you for your post.
    Please note that you can only have one API key for each environment.
     Should you want to create a new one, you have to delete or disable the currently active key.
    All the best,
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