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Posts posted by DahMJ

  1. It's exciting to see the expansion of DeFi options on Hedera. SaucerSwap might have been the pioneer, but HeliSwap and HashSwap bring fresh perspectives to the table. Doing research sounds like a must before choosing a go-to platform. And that news about SaucerSwap landing on Bitget is definitely worth keeping an eye on. Thanks for the update

  2. Imaginary Ones, an NFT collection of 8,888 animated characters on Ethereum, co-founded by Clement Chia and David Lee, aims to spread love, positivity, and creativity through art. With record-breaking sales, it blends gaming, merchandise, and content to create the Imaginary World, bridging Web2 and Web3 seamlessly. Holders gain access to a vibrant ecosystem, with market insights revealing a thriving marketplace. Imaginary Quests offer adventures, while Imaginary Rides promise world-class art. Holders can stake their NFTs and await $BUBBLE's listing on Bitget set to happen tomorrow by 10 UTC, accompanied by a rewarding airdrop(Candybomb event) hosted by the Bitget exchange. 

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  3. this sounds like an amazing opportunity for users in the crypto world. It's important to approach futures trading competitions with caution, ensuring one's financial stability and a comprehensive understanding of the market. While the prizes are enticing, responsible trading remains the ultimate goal. Thanks for sharing such an intriguing event, I’ll definitely be taking a look at it ! 

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