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Posts posted by Sprotty

  1. Thanks, I think I've got that, but just to be clear, given the formula in the link


    Size for spread bets means size of bet

    Size × closing price × LIBOR +/- 2.5% ÷ 365


    So if I have a spread bet on say the FSTE 100, which had a value of 7500,

    If my bet size was 10, and the LIBOR is 2%

    If I keep that open past 10pm then my daily interest would be


    10 * 7500 x (2 + 2.5) / 365 = £9.25 per day.



    OK, got that I think, so what are the %'s listed in


    Specifically these ones; which imply you expect some bets to be held for months, but given the daily interest that doesn't seem  to be a good strategy?



  2. Hi


    I want to hold a number of stocks and ETF's long term, many of these are on the NASDAQ.

    If I buy the shares directly via the share dealing account, then there are large exchange rate fees (and I believe I will be paying tax on any gains).
    So I'm looking at using spread bets to achieve this goal, from what I understand their is no tax, and the exchange rate issues seems to be just factored into the spread.


    What I would like to know, is there a down side to holding spread bet positions long term?


    Your docs suggest there is interest due for holding long term positions, but it’s unclear how this works.

    Are these %'s per trade, per year, per day, per 3/6/9 month interval?
    Do they get worked out automatically as I hold a position for longer or do I need to make some selection when creating a spread betting position?



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