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Posts posted by Augusto77

  1. The FX market is too big, it moves trillions and it´s hard to think it can be manipulated just in one side. Remember that currencies are a key factor for countries, even if the central banks say it´s not on their mandate, it has big influence on inflation, exports and imports, etc. We have comercial and speculators. Comercial will trade for multiple reasons, but not necesary to get advantage of a few pips win, they do it as a colateral for other things. They may hedge due to options, protect themselfs if they trade commodities, etc. Does are the big players, but still it´s hard to manipulate. I do remember the case with Soros and the british pound, but that was more of a take advantage than a manipulation itself. You can check in on youtube, a good story for any trader to hear. 


    Hope this helps,


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