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Posts posted by wealthelf

  1. 1 hour ago, Courage said:

    Are You A Market Tourist ?

      Before the lock-down I went to the Maldives with the woman who would turn out to be the mother of my first child. God bless her. She is the most patient/no nonsense woman I have ever known.She actually dragged me there knowing how much I hate traveling. Well not travelling per say more like packing . Whilst I was there on the secluded island I noticed that there were no "tourists" around. The beaches were empty except for a handful of people. It was pure bliss. It was the first time I ever saw a ''proper beach'' and by beach I mean the sea, sand and very little human presence.

        Contrast that to  Paris or London or New York in the summer. The latter environments are  noisy, brownian and full of flash. They even have what Anton Kreil calls the "rat-tube" which is the mechanism that transports people from work to home and back through the dark underground in absolute darkness in a city that spends more than half of the year in the dark (London). 

      The point of my anecdote is that if you want to be successful at this you have to focus on data points that actually matter. Jumping from headline to headline like a  tourist jumping from high street to high street / attraction to attraction is a; unproductive and b; unprofitable.  No disrespect to IG  they have to make money but turn off their news feed its all a distraction. The platform should only be used for EXECUTION purposes.

         To have a better investing/trading experience turn off the noise and follow the economic data yourself. Following economic data points that lead the the economy enables you to see market moves months/weeks before it happnes. Economic data points and market prices lead the narrative. Simply put the numbers lead the narrative. Thefore follow the numbers don't trade based on headlines. 

    Only Follow Trusted Data Sources

         I love hive mind communities these are where people pool together with the objective of solving common problems. I sincerely hope the IG community reaches this level one day. The power of the internet is that you can form collaborative unions with people and put heads/ideas together to solve common problems. Someone has created this spreadsheet and kindly put it out for free. Within it you will find a list of links that will direct you to data points that are relevant your investing and TIME SERIES THAT ACTUALLY MOVE THE MARKET. 

        When going through the sheet focus on the Leading drivers/ Leading Indicators  these drivers are what the market focuses on, changes in the ebb and flow of the time series ( the rate at which the data changes ) is what moves the markets. Where you can get the raw data yourself, download them bend them play with them and see what insights you can derive for yourself.  There should be no whining no complaining and no laziness, we can do this if we put our minds to it. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jm739fcSZdPqks28oqA5eHAvSFZLMiXV/edit#gid=1736687311

    Follow the link to the spreadsheet, cut out the noise and leave the tourists in the city.

    Good Luck. Trading ranges will be released shortly.


    This is a really great resource. Brilliant work, and I appreciate you sharing it.



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