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ID proof

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11 hours ago, Tamerbank said:

Uploaded national identity card, do i still need to upload driver license or passport to proof my id for opening account? I ask because i have not passport nor driving license.

Hi @Tamerbank, You will be contacted if you will still need to submit either of passport or driver's license. If you do not have these, you can check with our New business team for alternative documents for address verification. Reach out me me via DM if you have any further queries.

All the best,

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  • 4 months later...

If you don't have a passport or driver's license, you might want to check if the platform you're using accepts other forms of identification. Some services also utilize identity validation API for a seamless and secure ID verification process. Worth exploring to make the account opening process hassle-free!

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On 12/03/2024 at 14:58, jaimepirvinoi said:

If you don't have a passport or driver's license, you might want to check if the platform you're using accepts other forms of identification. Some services also utilize identity validation api for a seamless and secure ID verification process. Worth exploring to make the account opening process hassle-free!

What do you think about my advice? Would like to know your feedback

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