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Grid trading very viable method of automated trading

Guest EA-trader

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Guest EA-trader

Grid trading can be used effectively to trade forex and indices, traders must be skilled and knowledgeable, about their instruments and the grid strategy they employ.I trade grids based on the following professional trading thinking.




Not everything on forums and private forums makes money.Just beware.There are some people who know how to make money, but there are 99.9%  high priests of noise on internet sites and forums.These 99.9% of people are time wasters for the real traders, so beware.Ignore the quacks on forums, they just send you wrong internet sites to learn.


Apply grid strategy to forex based on interest rates expectations , so at present the grid strategy would be long usd short euro.Buy the dip grid is another grid strategy.




here is an example of grid trading.



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Guest EA-trader

Watch out for my grid trading automated robots  and more information  on 


Eur/usd GRID TRADER ea


gbp/usd GRID TRADER ea


asx  GRID TRADER ea  ASX200 indices grid trading


Ftse grid trading /investing strategy EA automated robots


Dax grid trading ea automated strategies abd robots


Dow us30 automated trading robot  and buy the dip strategies


Han seng Automated trading/investing robot.new version





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Guest Zero

I always thought you were a grid trader... 


Won't work.  Grid trading is seductive but just doesn't work.  You need exposure to profit.


I'm getting the hurry-ups from the forum algo - save or discard.  Something new?  Algo's bossing us around - I think that will create a new form of "rage" (eg road rage) - getting off topic.  

Well, I have seen this topic create "grid-rage" - a lot of people don't like gridding...A lot love it too.

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Guest EA-trader



Grid trading makes money, it is ideally suited for forex and indices investing.If you you had taken a professional view on grid trading, you had operated a short bearish grid, you would have made money.This is how professionals trade forex, if you had applied professional approach to grid trading and based it on fundamentals, i.e interest rate drivers, you would make money.






If you had listened to the right people and used a bearish grid , you would make money  in this down trend.The information was available 12 months ago.


Unfortunately ,you have misinformation quacks on every forum, teaching the wrong way to trade.They are the high priests of noise on forums, they have useless opinions on every instrument  and how to trade it ,using bs technical analysis.The forums are essentially the blind leading the blind, so nobody ends up ahead, because charlatans are voicing their opinions and leading the blind.







Here is a bearish grid



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Guest Zero



I would disagree with a few things you've said.  Firstly, in what applies to me personally - I don't follow "quacks" and don't give much credence to TA at all.  So I agree with what you say (just not in that it applies to me).  


The simple thing you've said which stands out to me is that "you would have made money in this down-trend" (using grid trading).  I would have just shorted it - no grid - and made money.  No "hedge" to unwind, no reduced profits, and in the current rate environments, there is no advantage with trying to capture some interest.  


Grid trading, the way I understand it, is seductive like I said, but you need exposure - (net exposure) - to profit.  If you had a grid you're always going to have to unwind it meaning one leg ultimately will be a directional trade.  So while it can work, it is prolonging the inevitable: a single-exposure directional trade.  


That spreadsheet of a grid only has two open positions too, with an exposure of basically nothing and huge 300 pip TP/SL?  Massive - trending more than gridding??


You might have some variations on the standard grid concepts.  If they work, good on you.  But for me, it's something that just seems "wrong".  

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Guest EA-trader

Here is a bullish grid on us30 .It is a form of long biased investing approach, it lets you enter at several oversold  levels.I use several bullish and bearish grid strategies.





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Guest EA-trader



The problem is timing the market with your approach.I was shorting Euro usd several months ago, everytime I shorted , it went higher.With a grid I know my risk, from the start, I use down trend and uptrend grids, most amateurs use random grids, without fundamental drivers.


I know exactly my risk with this type of grid trading.Mine is more based on trend/fundamentals drivers grid.The calculations are a risk  of about 500 pips  average on a thousand pip grid.The grid is trading long and shorts,and reinstating closed trades,  with a final downtrend mode.You have to take risk to make money, this grid takes risks based on probabilities  and directional bias.


It is all mechanical without emotions.

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Guest EA-trader

The good thing about automated grid trading is, one can trade 8 different instruments, with preset risk parameters.Everything is done automatically.This type of trading has worked well in the past.One could trade gbp/usd/eur usd/dax,asx200,ftse.dow, eur jpy and usdjpy., 8 instruments  at the same time.


Here new ftse   /asx grids


ftse grid.jpgasx.jpg

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Guest EA-trader

Grid trading on Dax and Dow has produced over  2,000 points profit  , I am pleased to say, it has also formed a part of my trading strategies.It works in my experience  and knowledge, both on forex and indices.

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