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Plok last won the day on May 21 2021

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  1. When Tesla start falling they decided to make consolidation. After two month the Tesla will fell by half. This would increase price for Etp. So it wouldn’t be too low price. There is no any benefit from this consolidation to holders. and there is absolutely no need to consolidation. there is a trick behind it. Granite shares just mad a trick to grab the capital.
  2. Number of securities before 225000 price 0.007 if daily increase 10% for 60 days 0.007*1.1^60= 2.131 then multiply by number of shares 2.131*225000 =479558 after consolidation Now I received 150 shares instead at a price 6 6*1.1^60= 1826.8 then multiply by number of shares 1826.8*150 =274033 the question: how does consolidation benefits me as a security holder?
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