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  1. Hey, jamowale Sounds like we're in exactly the same boat! I've been going round in circles with multiple brokers trying to figure this out, but keep getting the same answer. It appears that no-one is that bothered about doing the work, and just sends canned responses. Can't believe this isn't possible, and doesn't come up more often! Likely a different story if you go to a private broker with millions in investments, I imagine.
  2. Thanks, Arvin But therein lies the problem! Robinhood insist on new broker initiating the transfer. I'll try and reach out to them again, but so far they have not budged on this.
  3. Has anyone successfully done this, or have any advice or tips? From what I understand, Robinhood want new broker to initiate the transfer, but every new UK broker has told me transfer needs to be initiated with Robinhood. Catch 22!
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