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  1. Looks like i'm also seeing this problem on my Demo account. Hope it gets fixed soon, I'm trying to convince my wife to invest in IG and we agreed to check out the demo first. Good thing she doesn't understand a lot about the platform yet but if this continues I'll have to tell her about the problem which isn't great for selling her the idea to invest.
  2. FINALLY! After sooo long if finally understand percentage change. LOL! Thank you very much, I appreciate your response!
  3. Hello OfentselG, Thanks for the response. However, I'd like clarification. When you say points is this the same as pips? Also, I don't understand how can a price change be not based on a time frame? It seems to me that there is no way to compare price when you don't reference it to a time period. Unless.... it's based on real time ticks? I think i also don't understand basis points so if you can direct me to a link in IG or outside to understand it better?
  4. Hello, New here. Can somebody explain how the change and % change computed in the watchlist? I guess I want to know if it's in pips and what timeframe was it computed from? thanks in advance. :)
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