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Megamind last won the day on April 17

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  1. When I first got into crypto, it felt like stepping into a new world, but also like a bit of a gamble. Things have changed a lot since then. Now, it's much easier for everyday people to get involved, and there are many exciting projects emerging. One I've been watching lately is NexGami. It's a platform for Web3 gaming, which means it combines traditional gaming with blockchain technology. What I like about NexGami is that they're also helping other game developers get into blockchain tech. They're creating tools for fundraising, marketing, and even launching new games. This could be a big deal for the gaming industry. I'm really excited to see where this goes. They have some major partnerships with established gaming companies, so they seem to be starting strong. I think blockchain technology could really change how we play games, and I'm eager to see what happens next. What are your thoughts on the potential impact of blockchain technology on the gaming industry?
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