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  1. Thanks for your reply. The tax regarding dividends and equities are fair enough. Just want to confirm, does IG withheld any tax from each trading (sell) and pay it to IRS?
  2. Hi, I am preparing for tax return in Australia for FY2022-2023. I use IG platform to trade US shares. I would like to know if IG would automatically deduct or withheld tax and pay that to US government when I sell my shares? If it does, where can I see the tax that had been paid to US government? Kind regards,
  3. Hi Charlotte, I use IG platform to trade US shares. I understand that IG doesn't offer a statement that calculates Capital gains/loss. I'm calculating my Capital gain tax by myself, but I need to know how much tax was paid to American government when selling those shares. However, I couldn't find this information from my trading history, could you please advise me where I can find that the amount of tax that was already paid to USA when I make each transaction? Kind regards,
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