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  1. I see, so in my scenarios the charge would only be applied to profit/loss rather than the value of the whole position even if I chose to buy Wheat with USD per point rather than GBP, correct?
  2. Thanks for the answer KoketsolIG. So to make sure I understand that correctly. In the above example the scenario 2 there will be an additional charge of 6GBP due to conversion of the funding [600 (wheat price) x 1 (1 USD per point) x 1.0 (GBPUSD FX rate) x 0.5% x 2 (to account for a conversion when buying and then selling the Wheat position)]. Is that correct?
  3. Hi, My base account currency is GBP. Two scenarios: 1. I buy Wheat CFD at 600 for 1 USD per point 2. I buy Wheat CFD at 600 for 1 GBP per point So after closing both trades also at 600 (meaning zero profit) and assuming the FX GBP/USD was 1.0 and stayed exactly the same throughout the trade, will IG charges/fees be different for those scenarios? Is there any additional FX charge? Thanks
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