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Posts posted by julienchino

  1. Still trying to make a proof of concept running on Mac OS Swift with IG.

    I'm using the 5.0.3 version of the Lightstreamer client as recommended but got this error after a successful connexion :
    Disconnected. Cause: 60 - License not valid for this Client version

    I tried 5.0.0, 5.0.1, 5.0.2 and got the same error, I can't downgrade any further.

    Here is the full logs : 

    Status: CONNECTING
    WS connecting: https://apd.marketdatasystems.com/lightstreamer Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: TLCP-2.4.0.lightstreamer.com
    apd.marketdatasystems.com is reachable
    WS event: viabilityChanged(true)
    WS event: connected(["Sec-WebSocket-Version": "13", "Upgrade": "websocket", "Date": "Mon, 8 Apr 2024 09:00:40 GMT", "Server": "Lightstreamer Server", "Sec-WebSocket-Protocol": "TLCP-2.4.0.lightstreamer.com", "Sec-WebSocket-Accept": "706gGJ8aNnzq3IHoTdtYS4mz874=", "Connection": "Upgrade"])
    Sending session create: [LS_user=XXXX, LS_cid=scFuxkwp1ltvcB4BJ7Ji kOj2DK6P7C3jk, LS_send_sync=false, LS_cause=api]
    WS sending: "wsok"
    WS sending: "create_session\r\nLS_user=XXXX&LS_cid=scFuxkwp1ltvcB4BJ7Ji%20kOj2DK6P7C3jk&LS_send_sync=false&LS_cause=api&LS_password=CST-1fa5b29b51e068feae2adb5a6630e6dc6912b1dc7a27b6ea8b67ee402b6a92CC01113%7CXST-e1fd796ddce452c263ef65257bf9060d7b97692c706b90b57ae99848a357bfCD01113"
    WS event: text("WSOK\r\n")
    WS event: text("CONERR,60,License not valid for this Client version\r\n")
    CONERR 60 License not valid for this Client version
    WS disposing
    Disconnected. Cause: 60 - License not valid for this Client version

    Which version of the Lightstreamer SDK is supported by IG servers ?

  2. I'm certainly missing something obvious but I can't figure it out.
    I'm trying to get the lightstream sdk to work on a macOS project in swift

    Everything compiles perfectly and runs without errors but the log systematically indicates Status: CONNECTING

    The same code in Javascript works just fine.
    LighstreamerClient is version 5.0.3 as recommended.

    Here is my code

    let loggerProvider = ConsoleLoggerProvider(level: .debug)

    let client = LightstreamerClient(serverAddress: lightstreamerEndpoint)
    client.connectionDetails.user = currentAccountId

    And the log :
    serverAddress changed: https://apd.marketdatasystems.com
    user changed: XXXXX
    password changed
    Connection requested: details: [serverAddress: https://apd.marketdatasystems.com, user: XXXXX, libVersion: swift_client 5.0.3] options: [requestedMaxBandwidth: unlimited, retryDelay: 4000, firstRetryMaxDelay: 100, sessionRecoveryTimeout: 15000, stalledTimeout: 2000, reconnectTimeout: 3000, idleTimeout: 19000, contentLength: 50000000]
    Status: CONNECTING
    WS connecting: https://apd.marketdatasystems.com/lightstreamer Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: TLCP-2.4.0.lightstreamer.com

    Does anyone have an idea or managed to get the SDK to work with IG on swift?

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