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Everything posted by wki

  1. Hi, thanks again for your response and top tip. I am indeed getting the "LIMIT_ORDER_WRONG_SIDE_OF_MARKET" error. I have realised that I am looking to do a resting order as opposed to an immediate order as explained here: https://labs.ig.com/apiorders Can you get the API Companion working for a limit resting order with a level, the same as what is possible through the main UI dashboard (see attached)? Thanks again for your help!
  2. Hi, thanks @jlzfor your reply but I can't see anything in your C# code that indicates where I have gone wrong. As mentioned, I can't even get this working via the API Companion, let alone through Python. I'll contact IG directly. 👍
  3. Hi, I am trying to do a trade through the API (either Python or the API Companion). I can do a MARKET trade successfully but now I want to do a LIMIT trade, where the trade is executed when a specific price point is reached but I cannot get this to work. I can place the limit order with the level through the IG Trading Dashboard though. Through the API, the LEVEL seems to be completely ignored and so it bypasses the limit and goes straight to market. Here is my Python script for GBPUSD: epic = "CS.D.GBPUSD.TODAY.IP" direction = "BUY" stopDistance = 15 limitDistance = 15 size = 0.5 level = 13130 #(current price is 13125) expiry="DBF" orderType="LIMIT" guaranteedStop=False stopLevel=None trailingStopIncrement=None trailingStop=False forceOpen=True limitLevel=None quoteId=None currencyCode="GBP" response = ig_service.create_open_position(currencyCode, direction, epic, expiry, forceOpen, guaranteedStop, level, limitDistance, limitLevel, orderType, quoteId, size, stopDistance, stopLevel, trailingStop, trailingStopIncrement, None)
  4. Newbie here. I am looking to do a SB trade on Stellar but the "minimum points away" for the stop order is 10. Stellar is trading at 7.6 so this means the stop order goes to negative, which does not make sense....?
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