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narsufin last won the day on November 2 2022

narsufin had the most liked content!

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  1. Thanks. I look forward to receiving the email. My account is set up to buy stocks on US indices and have bought and sold shares on the NYSE a number of times without any issues.
  2. Thanks for your reply. I did not ask about MMTLP.PK. Yesterday I tried to buy $APE on ig.com and received a message saying that "this is a complex instrument" and not tradable online. Can you please explain why that is, as I understand that it is trading on the NYSE and is considered to be a straight forward equity.
  3. Hi, I was under the impression that $APE was a tradable share available on the NYSE. Can you tell me why it's considered a "complex instrument" by IG and not available to buy online?
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