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Posts posted by IThinkImInvesting

  1. Hi, I'm planning to open an IG ISA, and I don't really want to see the indices live prices and other stuff on the sidebar when I login to view my ISA. This may be useful for spreadbetting accounts, but is a distraction in an investment account, but I see that the display is common to the account selection screen and hence is viewable regardless of the reason I am logging in.

    Is there a way to change/remove those displays?

  2. People have mentioned that it is only possible to move your money to the linked bank account and that is sufficient for protection. While that is true, a mischievous hacker can still buy garbage instruments and drain your money, even if they may not get a penny of it. Why would they do that? Well, why do vandals exist? 

    Is it the same two factor authentication factor mechanism that is used for IG ISA account as well? I'm with HL and CSD already and they both have memorable word protection at least, where you only enter some of the letters of that word meaning the probability of someone getting all letters of the memorable word on top of the password is significantly reduced. In some ways that could be even better than 2FA apps like Authy if their recovery passwords are stored in the same place as you store the rest of your passwords.

    In any case, I would like IG to support these 2FA apps. It would have made me less hesitant to open an IG ISA.


  3. I was planning to transfer shares from my current ISA provider. In this case, would the shares get sold first by my provider before being bought back on IG, and therefore would I be out of the market for upto 4-6 weeks? I am planning to transfer a single index ETF holding (UK registered) only.

    If that is indeed the case, would there be a way of knowing when the selling happens (like email notifications) and when the buying happens so that I can temporarily hedge that scenario somewhere else? 

    (I'm just reposting an earlier comment on a different but related question as a new question)


  4. I was planning to transfer shares from my current ISA provider as well. In this case, would the shares get sold first by my provider before being bought back on IG, and therefore would I be out of the market for upto 4-6 weeks? I am planning to transfer a single index ETF holding (UK registered) only.

    If that is indeed the case, would there be a way of knowing when the selling happens (like email notifications) and when the buying happens so that I can temporarily hedge that scenario somewhere else? 


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