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Stop loss triggered on a buy order even though price was never reached

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AT 11:30BST on the 9/8/20 i had a buy order triggered on EUR/CHF at 1.07558 the price dropped to 1.07508 before climbing. I had a stop loss set at 1.07484, although the price never reached this level the stop loss was triggered and the trade closed, it is not the first time this has happened to me that the price has come near to my stop but not reached it before then moving in my direction but the trade has been closed, does anyone know why this happens?

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  • 1 year later...
9 hours ago, DragonflySCO said:

Same problem, but as we can see no answers from IG. That's the way how they making money.

Hi @DragonflySCO,

If you had stops that triggered while it didn't reached the price level, please contact helpdesk.uk@ig.com with your account and order details. Our team will be able to investigate and come back to you.
Please make sure that on the chart you are looking at the ask or bid price and not the mid price.

IG does not profit from client loss. We have organised a Q&A on that matter :

All the best - Arvin

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