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MT4 setup and access on IG


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6 hours ago, Joelonline786 said:


I just opened =MT4 account on IG , but struggling to log into it, not sure which one is user or login id and password, tried my IG account access details, did not work, please help ASAP.





Hi @Joelonline786,

Once you MT4 account created it should appear in the list of accounts on the My IG dashboard. 

Your login would be the MT4 ID which is usually composed of five digits.

Are you able to locate your MT4 ID ?

Thank you - Arvin

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5 hours ago, globetrotter said:

Hi Arvin

Just opened a demo account but could not fugure out the way how to add an MT4 account. Could youn give me a hint please?


Hi @globetrotter.

You can sign up for a MT4 demo account from this link below:

If you already have the MT4 platorm you can create a demo account by Clicking on file > Open an account > Select IG-Demo > Click Next > Select New Demo Account > Enter Details > Finish

I hope that it helps !

All the best - Arvin

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