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Binance’s Top Watchlist Picks For 2023

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At present, Cosmos (Atom), Ethereum Classic and Monero have become the most sought-after cryptocurrencies owing to their stability and high out-turns.

For several years, investors have continued to invest and buy Bitcoin. However, the era when Bitcoin was the currency of choice for global businessmen has long since passed. Nowadays, investors choose altcoins over bitcoin. Purchases of Cosmos, Atom, and Ethereum Classic are advised by experts to yield the highest Return on Investment (ROI) and Annual Percentage Yield (APY). People can receive exceptional returns using these alternative coins.


Cosmos permits the transfer of money and resources between different Blockchains via IBC and Peg-Zones. Vivid evolution across the blockchain arena faced issues like sovereignty, scalability, and sustainability. Cosmos had emerged to resolve these hardest problems existing in the blockchain industry.

Let’s take a closer look at what makes Cosmos such an attractive option for DeFi users –

A Secured Platform for Smart Contracts – Users can create smart contracts and conduct blockchain-based transactions using the safe platform offered by Cosmos. This is crucial as it gives people confidence that their transactions will be secure.

Users Creating Their Own Tokens - The flexibility for users to design their own tokens is one of Cosmos' most alluring features. Numerous uses for these tokens exist, including as project funding and inclusion in cryptocurrency exchanges.

Staking Rewards & Automated Market Makers - When users lock up their money in exchange for interest payments over time, they receive staking rewards; this is the best option for investors who wish to generate passive income from their assets without actively trading on exchanges.

Is cosmos a good investment

The Cosmos network could spread its wings to a wider userbase, provided the updates materialize as per the expectations. With the rollout of V11-Gamma, NFT modules, and smart contracts, amongst others. The price of ATOM could rally to $29.5501 predicted by coinpedia, by the end of 2023 and thus yes cosmos a good investment for 2023.

Ethereum Classic

Ethereum Classic (ETC) is one such project that thrives to enable developers to build and deploy smart contracts. Ethereum Classic is the older version of Ethereum, which switched to Proof of stake with its smart contracts.

Ethereum Classic (ETC) is ideally positioned to be the foundation layer smart contracts platform of the future, as other chains become compromised or taken over by special interests. ETC wins by fusing the technology of Ethereum (ETH) with the ideology of Bitcoin (BTC).

Ethereum Classic Impressive Run

According to latest tracking from Coinmarketcap, at the time of this writing, ETC was changing hands at $20.44. Although the crypto has gained by 3.18% over the last 24 hours, it is still enjoying a nearly 30% jump from its value seven days ago. In fact, during the last two days, Ethereum Classic transaction count surged and hit a new monthly high.

ETC has facilitated a fast, cost-efficient, and better user experience. These features could uplift the Ethereum classic price to as high as $26.99 in 2023 as projected by Coinpedia experts. The average and minimum possibilities are being $22.96 and $18.94.


Monero is a privacy-focused cryptocurrency that was launched in 2014. This blockchain forms an underlying technology behind digital currencies. And acts as the public ledger of participants that showcases all the transactions on the network.

What makes Monero so special in 2023?

Three important features of Monero:

The Monero blockchain is special because it can be mined using domestic CPU’s and minimal gear. Unlike Bitcoin, where mining requires a sizable hardware infrastructure. As a result, there is still a minimal amount of energy consumption.

Anonymity - The secrecy of the Monero network which makes it so popular is anonymity. Monero employs use of ring signatures in Monero.

Low transaction fees - Monero has low transaction fees, making the network ideal for simple transactions.

Truly fungible - The network is fungible if each entity and transaction can be duplicated without being distinguished from one another.

So considering above features and on a positive note, with growing prominence and developments, the price of XMR could claim its potential high of $278.917.

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