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Does app development differ between iOS and Android nowadays?

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We want to hire a team to develop a trading app and need to decide whether to launch it on iOS, Android, or both. But we're a bit meh regarding the development practices between these two, and we need to allocate resources in a smart way, as it's an app that'll have a pretty limited used base anyway. 
Also, we're considering using Atlassian products for managing the entire development process. How effective are their tools for managing cross-platform app dev projects like these?

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You'll want to go with react native and you can run on both platforms using typescript.

I have a lot of experience developing apps for both platforms, and also developing apps interfacing with the ig api.

Feel free to ask anything

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I've been interested in app development for both iOS and Android and from my experience, there are still some key differences between the two platforms. While both have come a long way in terms of tools and capabilities, they each have their unique aspects. 
iOS development typically uses Swift or Objective-C and relies on Xcode as the primary development environment. On the other hand, Android development often uses Java or Kotlin and relies on Android Studio. 
From a design perspective, iOS apps follow Apple's Human Interface Guidelines, while Android apps follow Google's Material Design principles. These guidelines impact the user interface and user experience significantly. Also, testing and debugging processes can differ due to the variety of devices and operating system versions available for Android. 
And using tools like atlassian JIRA can help manage development projects across both platforms by keeping track of tasks, bugs, and collaboration among team members. Hope this helps.

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