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Everything posted by jsilvano

  1. Issue resolved by Koketso, for the curious reader it was the 20% PID tax, which I had forgotten to account for 🤤
  2. I was recently expecting a dividend payment of £10.92 (800 * 0.01365) from one stock, but instead I got £8.74 which is £2.18 less than I "should" have gotten (by my calculations). I'm new to this dividends game, so I'm assuming that there is some fee or a tax that I've just completely missed, but I can't find anything about it on the website, and it doesn't show any deductions in my statement, it just shows the £8.74 payment as if that's just what it is. So I'm left wondering what have I missed? Who has taken a bite out of my dividends and why?
  3. Thanks for the response. I have tried the web platform troubleshooting tips, and it didn't fully resolve the issue. Strangely, in Chrome I was able to view the charts (previous screenshot was from Firefox), but as soon as I zoom out the issue returns and I can't zoom back properly. The strange trades are still showing as well, in both browsers. Here are two screenshots of the same stock in Chrome, the first is before zooming out, and the second is after zooming out and back in.
  4. I don't know if this is affecting anyone else, but for me the charts in IG (only in IG) are showing some very weird trades which are well above/below the norm, and this is causing some charts to become compressed so much that no matter how much I zoom, I can't see anything but a straight line. Some of these trades look like someone confused GBX and GBP (i.e. 7.50 when it should be 750.25), and others just look like their kid has stolen their bank card and used it to buy defense stocks. It's on almost every stock I look at, in all industries, but BAE is the worst. I have attached a screenshot of BAE Systems, for an example. These trades don't even show on any other system. Bug or just me?
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