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Everything posted by Majoka

  1. Hi, I have also tried the following Python code to extract data. import requests # Set your API credentials api_key = "xx" account_id = 'xx' # Set the API endpoint and parameters endpoint = 'https://demo-api.ig.com/gateway/deal/session' headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/json', 'X-IG-API-KEY': api_key, 'Authorization': f'Bearer {account_id}', } params = { 'resolution': 'D', # Daily resolution 'epic': 'CS.D.BHP.LON.IP', # BHP market identifier 'pageSize': 10, # Number of prices to fetch } # Make the API request response = requests.get(endpoint + 'prices', headers=headers, params=params) # Check if the request was successful if response.status_code == 200: # Extract the close prices from the response data = response.json() close_prices = [price['closePrice'] for price in data['prices']] print(close_prices) else: print('Error occurred:', response.text) It gives me the following error message. Error occurred: <html><head><title>Page Not Found</title><h3>Error 404</h3><h3>Sorry, the requested page is not available.</h3></body></html> So basically, I am not sure how to extract price data via the API using Python.
  2. Hi, I have an API key and it seems to be working. For example, I can run the following command on my Python console and get a result. results = ig_service.search_markets("bhp") results But when I try to run this, it gives me an exception error: unauthorised.access.to.equity.exception from trading_ig import IGService from trading_ig.config import config class config(object😞 username = "xx" password = "xx" api_key = "xx" acc_type = "xx" acc_number = "xx" ig_service = IGService(config.username, config.password, config.api_key, config.acc_type) ig_service.create_session() # Fetch close prices for BHP from IG Markets epic_id = "AA.D.BHP.CASH.IP" resolution = "D" num_points = 10 response = ig_service.fetch_historical_prices_by_epic_and_num_points(epic_id, resolution, num_points) close_prices = [float(price["closePrice"]["bid"]) for price in response["prices"]] print(close_prices) open_positions = ig_service.fetch_open_positions() print("open_positions:\n%s" % open_positions) Can you please help?
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