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Everything posted by Maxicreed01

  1. That could be a factor but still feel those exchange with increased traffic particularly Bitget have invested a lot in innovation to attract attention. Their copy trading is one product I usually use due to the my winning rate on the platform and I feel its one product that could attract more users attention amongst others.
  2. Sometimes I wonder how some of these meme coins rack up a decent MCap figure particularly that of Solana which has attracted a lot of interest. Meme coin has not been my type of coin but my experience with BOME has made me consider some of them and i would be looking into this Maneki too.
  3. BWB will definitely benefit from the growth of Bitget but competing with BNB means rolling out more fundamentals. Prolly, if they roll out their Blockchain as highly anticipated and BWB is used as payment gas fee we could see the competition and taking part in this airdrop is a wise call that will put us in a good position.
  4. I have not read much about this project but if it's indeed an eco-friendly project, then it has my attention cos we need to support such project to solve to global warming problem.
  5. I haven't experienced any financial situation to subscribe for loan on any platform but from friends with experience, it is quite accessible compared to traditional banking systems and the collateral doesn't demand any physical assets.
  6. Exchanges have a role to play in project adoption but I feel the real factors that can encourage adoption is the project utilities and I think Bitkub has the potential but developers will need to be committed to the growth of the chain.
  7. Most project backed by Binance lab and Bitget are worth considering cos these guys seems to be carefully selecting projects to support. I expect Binance to list BB very soon but I had to buy on Bitget to be in a potentially good position before then just as I did with BOME and ORDI.
  8. It would be difficult and the next line of action would be withdrawal of assets to a good alternative exchange or wallet and observe how the whole drama will end
  9. The consequences would obviously be the risk of users assets. While I feel the move is wrong, the timing of this decision raises serious concern that may have a serious consequences on the exchange.
  10. This is obviously a wrong call and may expose user assets to security risk if the .@SECGov and .@JusticeOIG should come knocking. I couldn't risk my assets there and have long moved them to other platforms particularly MM and Bitget. Stay SaFu if you are still there mate
  11. I have not been a fan of either of exchanges and wallets native tokens but would wanna explore it now. I took interest from the current hype around BNB, OKB and BGB. These tokens particularly BNB and BGB has shown strength which is obviously due to increase in demand to take part in the most of the launchpool. BNB rose almost 80% in the past 1 year, BGB was on the spotlight with about 190% in a year. OKB may not be left out due to it's potential but has made any significant movement recently. Wallet tokens on the hand have also been doing well but may not be compared to Centralized exchanges imho; I have also monitored few wallet particularly trust wallet and C98 wallet. My best guess is we could be seeing the wallet tokens making impressive price action as we approach post halving due to increase in transactions and I wonder if any one here is considering the prospect BWB token for Bitget wallet. Launching pretty soon and airdrop participation in play. I would appreciate your speculative opinion on it potentials.
  12. ONDO should be one of my favorite token of the year cos I am still confident of more impressive price action after taking profit at around 0.9 from an entry of 0.32 few days after its listing on Bitget
  13. Crypto trading is a bit complicated when it comes to understanding the dynamics in profit making. Some people are more inclined to technical analysis which of course has been the widely used trading tool but some are more inclined to fundamentals but sticking to fundamentals alone could be highly risky in my own opinion even though crypto is also financial instrument that often respond to news updates. A blend of the two could provide a safety net for traders in minimizing losses compared to potential profit. The above case scenario is largely attributed to perp futures trading and other derivatives. TA and FA could also be very useful for spot trading but I feel timely listing of projects could largely determine one's profit from investing in a project. These may not be for all projects cos some are **** coins. This could be a personal perspective but I have noticed listing speed is also another important factor to consider along with project fundamentals when trading and if we are to include listing speed as a factor for choosing trade then it will affect our choice of trading platform cos some are more inclined to top cap projects while others are more inclined low cap gems. My experience with ORDI has proven this trading skill rewarding. ORDI was first listed on Bitget before other exchange joined the listing party after it saw rapid adoption reflecting in it significant MCap growth. This chart should give us a glimpse of my experience with this strategy.
  14. I don't think we can still take part in the airdrop but buying it could be the best option particularly as the market seems to be helping to create a good entry price.
  15. PIXEL has more use cases compared to MAVIA and has more top players in the industry supporting the project but that is just the latent potential. Let's hope all it's attribute translate to something great.
  16. Yeah, it's good to be cautious with investment plan on experimental project such as the ERC-404 tokens but tbh such project could turn out to be the highlight of this bull run.
  17. Pandora price action and it gradual acceptance by some top trading platforms could spur the adoption of the project but the project team and that of ERC-404 needs to do work hard cos innovative concepts such as this one are faced with criticism.
  18. In the aftermath of the recent FTX incident, cryptocurrency exchanges have undergone a paradigm shift towards bolstering security and accountability. Two key strategies have emerged as pillars in this effort: Proof of Reserve (PoR) and SaFu Funds (Safety Net for Users). Proof of Reserve, now hailed as the Pillar of Transparency, leverages cryptographic techniques to demonstrate that exchanges hold ample assets to cover customer liabilities. Utilizing Merkle trees, a data structure ensuring the integrity of large datasets, exchanges can provide evidence of possessing the necessary reserves to back user funds. SaFu Funds, also known as customer protection funds, serve as a Safety Net for Users, demanding exchanges to set aside a pool of assets to safeguard users' funds in the face of security breaches or insolvency. These funds, kept in a separate wallet, are exclusively reserved for user protection and are not utilized for trading or other business operations. Consideration of these two factors is crucial when selecting a reliable exchange. While PoR offers a snapshot of an exchange's financial health at a specific moment, SaFu Funds provide a comprehensive safety net in a broader range of scenarios. Several exchanges, including Binance, OKX, and notably Bitget, have taken a proactive stance by implementing both Proof of Reserve and a Users Protection Fund. Reports from token Insight and Coingecko indicate that these exchanges have experienced decent trading volumes, showcasing the success of this hybrid initiative. This dual protection strategy not only aims to prevent incidents akin to the FTX debacle but also assures users that their assets are backed by both cryptographic verification and a dedicated pool of funds. As the crypto landscape continually evolves and learns from setbacks, relying on the combined security measures of Proof of Reserve and SaFu Funds seems to offer a promising path forward. Exchanges committed to these dual strategies provide users with a heightened level of confidence in the security and protection of their assets.
  19. Gracy Chen of Bitget also pointed out that post halving bull run are always fueled by other factors and this time around we could be seeing interesting multiple factors which may include the growth on the BTC ecosystem, DePIN, L2 and L3 tracks. We could also be seeing the mother of all bull run this time but only time will tell.
  20. Your point above is true but the timely listing of the token by few exchanges including Bitget gives us the opportunity to buy and hodl before that exposure go full scale cos it reminds me how sol and eth started.
  21. This offer sound simple and highly rewarding and I don't know why I almost missed the event but will give it a shot within the available limited time for the event.
  22. Meme are worth investing but do it with what you can afford to lose. They can be be very profitable particularly if you join the trend early and I feel your choice of exchange has been recently attributed with an impressive listing speed which should put you in a good position. I will also look into the project
  23. You obviously are a conservative type of trader and ya, it's good to always play safe and with current upgrade on Bitget copy trading we could see more improvement in terms of trading experience particularly as selecting Elite traders will be hassle free.
  24. The project innovative concept is appealing and I am closely monitoring its price action to look for a good entry price and hodl a little longer.
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