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  1. 1st issue: I got the same site blocked by antivirus software [AVG] as @icevtec @AshishIG last night (UK time), and also the buttons on the dashboard don't work, so can't log on to web version of the site either new or old versions of the platform. This morning no anti virus block but buttons (open platform/open old platform/live accounts tab) still don't work so still can't open site. Tried opening site via smartphone and got "unexpected error" when tried to log on. 2nd issue: App still works but I can't use that to trim stops etc as you still can't sort positions by date opened, all you can do is trawl through alphabetically. If you have a lot of positions this is takes ages and the app regularly bounces you out of positions tab and into orders tab so you have to start again. New platform also doesn't give this functionality. Old platform has it so I use that normally. Anyone else? Finally, is there still a chat function available for accessing the help desk by the way?
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