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  1. Hi, I'm working on a JS implementation of /session v2. If I enable encryption and receive the publicKey from /session/encryptionKey, I can't find a RSA encryption that is accepted by /session. Any ideas what to do?
  2. Hi, The documentation is showing 2 different valid times for CST and X-SECURITY-TOKEN. In the api guide (https://labs.ig.com/rest-trading-api-guide.html) it says 6 hours between calls and a maximum of 72 hours: But in the FAQ section (https://labs.ig.com/faq.html) is says 12 hours between calls and indefinitely (except for maintenance): What is the correct valid time?
  3. Hi KoketsoIG, The issus is that I don't even reach my limit before I get the error: "errorCode": "error.public-api.exceeded-api-key-allowance" This is my test: 1) In api companion i login to me Live og Demo account (same problem in both environments) 2) I wait for at least a minute to my login doesn't influence the test 3) I make 25 GET /marketnavigation requests 4) I switch the account to my second account with the PUT /session request 5) I should now be able to make 30 GET /marketnavigation requests, but I get the error after just 4 requests From your previous answer I should be able to make 60 requests per-app per minute, but I can only make 30. What am I doing wrong?
  4. Hi KoketsoIG, I get the following message: "errorCode": "error.public-api.exceeded-api-key-allowance" I'm trying in the api companion but i get the same error in both prod and demo.
  5. Hi KoketsoIG, I get the following message: "errorCode": "error.public-api.exceeded-api-key-allowance" I'm trying in the api companion but i get the same error in both prod and demo.
  6. Hi IG-team, I have been experimenting with your api, and dont understand the difference between Per-app and Per-account no trading limits. The way I read it is that i can make 60 calls per minute per application, and since i have 2 trading accounts those 60 calls are divider over those 2 accounts, so 30 for each. Basically I should be able to make 29 calls from account_1, switch account_2 to my preferred account, and make another 30 calls from account_2, all within 1 minute. This doesn't seem to work, so how should I understand the differences between Per-app and Per-account?
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