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  1. I have been using PRT for the past 15 years or more, indeed I was partly responsible for introducing many of my clients to the platform in 2007. So, I suspect like many others using ProRealTime (PRT) V10.3 charting platform were more than happy with it. So simple, so easy to use. I had a look at V11 and decided some time ago that I wouldn’t change to it until I had to. Then shock of shocks, Friday’s login I knew I wouldn’t see V10 anymore. V12 took most of Friday to find my way around. I’m old school so I don’t need any fancy gizmos to aid my trading. Now I find that even the simple stuff has lots of bugs. I sincerely hope that someone has been working over the weekend (PRT HQ in France) to at least straighten out some obvious programming issues. In the older version (V10), if I wanted to configure something I could click a button and up popped a box with easy to alter item, periods, colour, lines, etc. click another button and save the changes. Now with V12 I find that some of the items changed do not hold the requests, e.g. take a straight line, yes you can alter the thickness, but ask it to hold a new colour and it stubbornly stays the same colour (yes, I have discovered how to configure something and make it stick and now I have to type in what to call the change, why? There’s annoying number of items that refuse to stick. Take the text box, it will not hold the requested border colour, there’s lots more bugs I could mention, but you get the gist. Worst of all despite saving all the work I did on Friday none of it has not been saved, so I’m back to where I was when I first logged in on Friday 01-12-23. I won’t be doing all that again in a hurry until I know the platform has been reprogrammed, I’ll trade elsewhere for now! I can’t believe that PRT would release such a major overhaul of this previously excellent programme without testing it to distraction before the release date and why change something that was once so easy? If it ain’t broken don’t mend it! Maybe you’re expecting IG clients (et-al) to do that for you. Finally - IG, why were we not told of this imminent change in advance? Fortunately, I take screen shots every day, so I do have hundreds of trading examples from the past. I thought we - your traders - were your valued clients? It doesn’t feel that way.
  2. I'm just dipping my toe into using PRT V11, can't seem to find what to click that will make sure every tools I use today (after configuring it) stays the same (i.e. colour, width, style, as in V10.3), how do I do that?
  3. Sorry can't help you dex47, I'm lost too just now! Well it had to happen didn't it, we all hate change don't we? I really don't see why IG couldn't run the old and the new platforms, just won't trade until I have a look at the new(ish) platform and learn how to use without losing a fortune, bah!
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