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  1. has anyone created a screener on any other website?
  2. I am trying to look at different FMCG companies e.g. Unilever, P&G, Nestle etc. I am keen to figure out the Total Shareholder returns for these i.e. capital appreciation + dividends etc - possibly for a 3 year window. Can i find this on the IG website or somewhere.
  3. doent look like.. always funny when the new platform has lesser features than the old one
  4. Interesting.. but i only have the website client. havent used ProRealTime.. just the ig.com site.
  5. Hi @MongiIG.. tnx but i dont think that it answers the question.. How/Where do i find these individual Tesla options? I cant seem to search for it in the system (see screenshot in my prev response)
  6. Hi @MongiIG,. tnx for this ... i am struggling to see where you got the Tesla options in the side bar.. Attached is a screenshot of my demo CFD.. even when i search for Tesla, I dont see the same options as you do.. I must be doing something wrong
  7. I am new to Options trading, but keen to explore and learn. Ideally looking at virtual money on a stock like Tesla. Can you trade Tesla options on IG. IG currently seems to do Options for Indices, Commodities and FX. Or am i missing something here. Finally, havent figured out difference between CFD and Options... Lots to learn.. Any other broker recommendation also welcome (if allowed here) BTW, i cant see to find this listed in my IG windows https://www.ig.com/uk/trading-strategies/how-to-trade_tesla-options-200220
  8. As per my understanding, a 'Day' is a 24 hour cycle irrespective of where you are.. not a session. So on my settings in the UK, i get it from midnight to midnight rather than London session. So i suspct you are getting a mid-night to midnight East Coast..
  9. i think i know the answer.. all candlesticks run by on the hour.. So 1H is applicable from 10-11, 11-12, 12-1 30M is 10-10:30; 10:30-11, 11-11:30. 11:30-12 all based on GMT. 5 mins slots run in the same way. IG's 'Day' timeframe is midnight to midnight (atleast in the UK)
  10. Tnx.. I filled the Demo opening form online, and now got an email from IG asking to download this is probably the 7th download and reinstall... done that .. again, when the screen opens, it can connect to IG-Live but no IG-Demo,,, there must be a log file that i can check .... the journal is showing it cannot connect
  11. Well the problem seems to persist... the helpdesk deleted the real account. So have downloaded a new MT4.. now it seems to connet to the live server but no such luck with the demo server... any idea what is this setup challenge... File>>>Open an account gives me this screen.. scan brings nothing more on demo... It does ask me for Live details if i choose Live - but that would open a live account...
  12. i think the mystery may have been solved... got this from IG I need to close my existing MT4
  13. Also, when the alert is displayed on my mobile... it would be good to have the message displayed too, currently just shows generic text
  14. Is there a way to pause IG alerts. I currently have a few alerts based on indicators. Once i it setup, i would like to pause it for some time e..g night or weekends. Currently i have to delete the indicator and then recreate it. Its a pain when you hvae multiple indicators across multiple pairs. Is there a way to do this?
  15. not sure... because i can get the MT4 from metatrader dotcom to work but struggling with the IG version. Can i use the metatrader from elsewhere to connect to the IG server? what is the IG server address i should add to the login screen
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